The saga of the antlered doe comes to an end!

western NY bowhunter

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I first discovered the deer which came to be known as "The Freak" out in a small alfalfa field one night a week prior to the bow season opener. Initially, I thought it was odd that a buck would still have velvet that late into the fall. After gun season closed in mid-December I spotted this deer out in my aunt's field once again...still in full velvet. This really got me wondering what the heck was going on here?


Fast forward to the summer of '08. I saw/videoed this deer several times throughout the summer and fall. With every Freak sighting I was becoming more and more convinced that "it" was in fact an antlered doe. No one in my family wanted to believe me. Gun season came and went and I wondered if this oddball had been killed by the orange army. Then, right before x-mas one night I spotted her out in the same alfalfa yet again. She had made it through another choatic NY gun season. Her antlers were fully velvet clad with tines that appeared to still be growing and were curling over at the tips.




In '09 I only manged to lay an eye on The Freak one time back in July and then she went MIA. Until today...

Unbelievably, I was taking laundry off of the line right before dark when I happened to glance down into the creek below me and noticed a dead deer hung up on a big rock. Apparently, it had been laying frozen in the creek upstream and came floating down with the rain we got last night / this morning. I had been out here a couple hours before and it wasn't there. There appeared to be antlers on its head so I went down to check it out. I noticed velvet on the rack and quickly pulled its head out of the water. It was the Freak!!! She was laying dead 30 yds from my bedroom window! Upon pulling her out of the creek I saw that her left hind leg and been nearly shot off and was only hanging on by skin/tissue. The bullet grazed the hock on the right leg too. I'd guess she's been dead for a couple of weeks now.

It wasn't a good way for this deer to go, but at least I got some closure to the mystery of its sex...a once in a lifetime discovery for sure. Now, I need to figure out what to do with it. I'm thinking of cleaning the skull up but am not sure how to preserve the remaiining velvet.



Confirmation photo showing that it is a doe...


12 scorable points with quadruple mainbeams!!!






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Very cool find and a sad ending. If you had posted the freak story here I would have surmised that it was a doe. I got to see an antlered doe that someone shot back in the early 80's. It also had velvet on its antlers. I was told that because they lack testosterone, they do not have the urge to rub it off.

Thanks for sharing the picks with us. I doubt you can save the velvet but cut the rack off and let it dry on the bone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thats a cool story for sure and a great find, to bad it ended like that though,

not trying to hijack your thread but when i used to live in NW OK we had a local big buck contest that was scored by field dressed weight not by antler size and a friend of mines dad won the contest 1 year with a spike doe that field dressed 260lbs, that is a unheard of weight in OK for any deer, reguardless of sex, she was also still in velvet.

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I picked the skull up from the taxidermist yesterday. He was supposed to save the jaws for me but he forgot. I looked at her jaws before I took the head over and the teeth didn't appear to be as worn as I was expected them to be. I do know she was at least 2.5 when I first started noticing her in '07...meaning that she was a minimum of 4.5 in '09 (likely older).

Edited by western NY bowhunter
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