Tinks Smokin Sticks


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Will do William. Was in the store the other day and a guy came in and bought some more saying he'd killed a big 6pt coming right to it. They burn like incense sticks. He put a bucket over it with holes drilled around it, keeps the wind directly off the stick making it burn longer and the smoke just flows out of the holes.

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I use them all the time. Really like them. I don't use a bucket or anything. My son puts a liter soda bottle that we put some holes in, over his. I have had deer come right up to them and smell them. Saw one burn his nose. I stick a couple in the ground and light a couple and put in my stand beside me. they do work great. Now I am not saying this will magically bring tons of deer to you and you will see mega monster bucks but I do know they work.

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