One BIG wish for 2010


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If you could make one BIG wish for something that you would like to happen in 2010 what would it be? It could be anything like 1.) You wish you would win the lottery in 2010 or 2.) You wish you would harvest a booner buck sometine in 2010, or get a new job, get married whatever... What would the one BIG thing be that you would like to happen by the end of 2010?

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Was gonna say a conservative majority in congress come November but I changed my mind.

I just wanna hit the Powerball for a couple or 3 hundred million. That way I'd be living on my own Caribbean island and governing it myself. Only thing I'd have to worry about would be the property taxes on my 10,000 acres in Iowa.

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My first thought when I saw this post was Booner for the wall. Then as I read the other posts Winning the Lottery sounded like a good idea too.

Then I read Hoss's post and realized how selfish I was being. He got it right. Lets all hope that out brave men and women can all come home safe this year.

However, I wouldn't mind getting all three if I could.


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