How did everyone do??


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I had a great season this year...stayed healthy all the way through with no serious injuries that comprimised my ability to hunt...I put well over 200 hours in the stand this year, and it was great to be able to spend that much time in the woods. Took one of my employees kids out bowhunting for the first time this year, he almost drilled a huge doe...Put the fiance up in my honey hole stand on November 4th, and she had a 140 walk under her at 10 yds, but buck fever got the best of her and she just froze. To put the icing on the cake, i was fortunate enough to take 4 does and one 10 pointer so far this year with the ole Mathews Switchback XT. Granted, after shooting that buck, i realized i had made a mistake, but it happens, and i learned from it...

I still haven't blasted anything with the smoke pole yet, but we still have one more antlerless season...

The Fiance was able to harvest her first buck ever, with a gun this year so that is also a bonus...

altogether we have 6 in the freezer, and a few more weeks to go.

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Due to my ACL surgery on Oct 1, that kind of shut me down in the areas where the good bucks are. I need to use a climber and with my knee, that wasn't happening. I had to hunt an area that has a 3 on one side rule where my stands are ladder stand I could climb(family property). My Summit climber was too much for the knee. I passed up 3 illegal bucks and about 5 does. My son Joe made up the difference for me. He shot 4 with his bow this year. Freezer is full.

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I did not get a shot off this year. However, it was my first year of bow hunting. I did learn alot, but I also have to split my time with upland hunting with my lab puppy. I do know that I will be shooting 3d to stay sharp besides the daily practice that I do in the basement or yard depending on weather. I did get 6 squirrels and a coon though...

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Went out probably three times as much as i did last year, didnt see a thing last year, saw lots this year, managed to have two bucks come in range, nerves got a hold of me on the first one and a stupid mistake let gim get away, and the second one i shot at, and after a very promising blood trail and almost 12 hours of looking for him, i realized i wasnt going to find him, i learned alot and enjoyed my time in the bush, which is what its really all about

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Tough year...with all the rain, and the corn harvest lasting until Christmas, nothing seemed to go the way we had hoped. My daughter took a nice 3-1/2 year old 8 point during youth weekend, and I took 3 does this season. Passed up a lot of small bucks, but no luck getting a big boy on the ground. Good season overall...just expecting it to go different than it did in the buck dept.

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No complaints about my bow season here this year. Killed a doe and a 5.5 year old 8 point buck still in full velvet here in MS. I also missed a mid 150's class 10 point in Kansas. Had some a great hunt in IL too but no shooters seen in range.

Last year was about the same, except no misses. Killed a doe in MS and a 140" mature 9 point in IL. Didn't see a shooter buck at all in Kansas last year though.

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