Kinda Worried about the Turkeys


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Here in MN there is 2-3 feet of snow everywhere with a hard ice layer on top. Im concerned about the turkeys making it. They are tough, but man its harsh. I have been putting corn out trying to help. Anyone else have this problem anywhere else?

Pretty bad over here in Wisconsin too. Last winter was just as bad. Really not good having two super harsh winters in a row. I distinctly remember a day of coyote hunting where I wasn't breaking through the ice crust or sinking in to the snow. Not good!! How is an animal to find food?! It's not just the old that die off - starvation comes quickly and wipes out what once were strong resiliant birds. We found many winter kill carcasses last year. Birds that huddled under pine trees trying to seek shelter to die a slow, painful death. I wonder how many we will find this winter. The area I hunt is 99% pines/thick forest, not too many farm fields around for them to forage in...they really have to work to find food. Looks like the wolves will be getting fatter this year.......

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I'm sure there are probably some places will have some pretty harsh winter kills, but think overall the population will be fine.

I know around here, we've got areas with 10' drifts or better, which are now covered in a crust because of the freezing rain since the last snow storm. But...we've also got spots just a mile down the road that the cut corn stalks are still sticking out of the snow. So, they may have to adjust their locations....but I think they'll be just fine.

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Maine has had some tough snow conditions for the turkeys but they're still growing overall. And it's my personal opinion that even if you do lose a large amount of birds, all will balance out in the egg production this spring; The ratios of male to female young seems to always favor replenishing that which was lost. Plus, many birds that experience a bad winter or wet spring tend to lay accordingly, whether by more eggs, more clutches if some are destroyed, or whatever. Again, just my opinion but I wouldn't fear.

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