Ok ladies need some help!


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I have been trying to get my wife to go hunting for the 6 years we have been married, but she just won't go! Does anyone have any pointers that I could just to get her out there? I think if she would just go she would like it! My 2 year old daughter loves to watch hunting shows with me so I know there is a chance for her!! grin.gif

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Re: Ok ladies need some help!

What part of it doesn't she like? Does she go target practicing at all? If she isn't even shooting yet, that is where to start! A lot of people are afraid of guns until they are shown how one operates. Sit her down and explain each part (even the ones that seem obvious to you, they aren't to someone who knows nothing about a gun.) Let her start shooting something like a .22 so kick isn't a concern.

If she likes shooting, then does she not like the cold/getting up early/worrying about where to go to the bathroom/doesn't want to sit for hours/ect. Make the first few hunting trips easy ones. Leave the house at 8 am instead of 4 am, pick a nice day, and let her know she can decide when it is time to go home. As for the bathroom thing, the rest of us women are still trying to find a solution! LOL Just go before you leave and drink very little while you are out there.

Make her first couple of times out as enjoyable as possible. If she is meant to be a hunter that is all it will take and before you know it, she will have a whole dresser drawer full of camo! (I have two. LOL)

If she has a hard time with the idea of taking a life then that might just be something you have to respect.

I didn't start hunting until I was in my late 20's and it only took one trip into the woods and I was totally hooked. Just be ready to deal with the day when she bags a buck bigger than you have ever shot! smile.gif

Good luck, and if she has any "woman" questions about hunting she can always ask here!

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Re: Ok ladies need some help!

im not a lady, but i got an idea. just tell her to give it a try once, and if she dosen't like it she doesn't have to go again....and i also agree with the huntin in maine above, does she like to shoot? if she doesn't even shoot, start there! but amybe you wouldnt have to have her huntin the first time she went? just take her with ya to let her see what its like.

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Re: Ok ladies need some help!

Ok she has agreed to go with me turkey hunting just to see what it like. So hopefully she will love it as much as I do!! As far as the shooting she can shoot pretty well her dad was a police officer and she always went and shot with him growing up. She has just never been hunting. But after the first time you never know!! grin.gif

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Re: Ok ladies need some help!

It's a good thing you are starting with turkeys. Because if she's hesitant about taking a life, then starting with a bird is a lot easier than a cute fuzzy squirrel or a deer. But if it's not in her, you can't force it. I didn't come around until 4 years ago. But I can't really tell you what snapped in me either. My husband sure is glad though.

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Re: Ok ladies need some help!


My wife has been out with me about 3 times in 18 years of marriage.

I always offer, but she just doesn't like going. I'm glad she supports my hunting, but have accepted the fact that she won't be my hunting partner in the near future.

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