Doctor ripped me a new one...


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I finally went to the doctor and needless to say she was very upset with me. I have had this cold for 10 days and there is seemingingly no getting rid of it. All of the over the counter stuff including Zicam did little to break it up. She read me the riot act on the complications of not getting to see her sooner. She wrote me out a couple prescriptions and wants to see me in 8 days....

She also said a man my age should know better...she is right..:o

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Hmmmm. Shame on you Mike. lol.

Seriously though sometimes you are better off giving your body a chance to shake the crud on its own rather than running to an md and getting a script for antibiotics. How long to let the crud linger I guess depends on how bad it is and whether or not you are miserable enough. Typically I am guilty too of not going in when I probably need to.

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Good thing she wasn't a nurse and her name wasn't Ruth....:-p LOL

Hope ya get the cold nocked out of you finally. Just make sure you finish all your antibiotics, even if you start feeling better....OR ELSE! LOL

Yes, Miss Ruth RN! :) I'll empty the bottle like you ask. You must know my doctor. She said the same thing, but was wielding a whip when she said it! :whip:

Hope you get better soon Mike.

Gonna give ya a call.

I'll be here, Anthony. I went to the doctor and probably had my worst day yet as far as a cough goes. Hope these pills kick in soon. I'll send you a PM with my home number. My cell phone is missing in action on vibrate yet!

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Thanks, TG! With the Rx and getting some good rest I am feeling somewhat better. I will keep your remedies in mind when I get to the store. I can't remember a cold this bad hanging on so long....and yes, Kirk and MUDRUNNER, going to the doctor turned this thing around. The next time I think I will get there sooner.

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