muzzle-loader or shotgun?

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Like William said, I would think a yote would have to get pretty close to drop them with a shotgun, even with a tight choke using .00 buck or BB's, but the advantage of a shotgun would be follow up shots, whereas the ML is a one shot deal.

The one show I watch, I think it's called Predator Nation or something like that, the guy on that show uses both. He has his rifle up on a bi-pod and lays his shotgun at his side. If a yote comes in too close, he shoots it with the shotgun, if they don't come in close enough, he uses the rife.

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I'd seriously consider bringing both the shotgun and the rifle if you get it or the muzzleloader. Remember to keep the scope on a lower power and keep your shotgun at side. Take a shirt or something to keep under the shotgun to have it propped up off the ground, so you can grap it quicker and shoulder to get a shot.

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