Cool vibration test!!


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If I was trying to take vibration out of a tuning fork, I would order some right now. But the limbs on my bow are secured, they are not free on one end. That promotional video is not accurate in the real bowhunting world......think about it. :cell:

I did...if it takes that much out of a fork that quick..just think what it can do for your bow to quite it down..the same principal

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Just being a fly on the wall here...bare with me ;)fly__twitchingA.gif

If I was trying to take vibration out of a tuning fork, I would order some right now. But the limbs on my bow are secured, they are not free on one end. That promotional video is not accurate in the real bowhunting world......think about it. :cell:


I did...if it takes that much out of a fork that quick..just think what it can do for your bow to quite it down..the same principal


I guess when you shoot a Hoyt, you don't have to think about all of the add ons needed to quiet it down..... :D :pop:

WRONG ANSWER ...LOL Poof2.gifbaer3.gif

Heck yeah, I'm sold too. :D

Edited by buckee
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Looks cool, but I'm with Tom, a test like that doesn't tell me much 'cept that if I want to take a limb off my bow and flop it back and forth then boxjax would make it quieter. Lots of instrumtents that measure vibration, why not do the test on a loaded bow?

Because a loaded bow would not show you what it actually does or how it performs. It's done on just the limbs to magnify the results and show you how it compares with another dampener and vibration itself. It tells you a lot, even though it is a magnified demonstration.

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