Now The Test Begins!


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I just bought two choke tubes, a XXX full Comp-n-choke, and a Jellyhead for my 835. Plus the one that came with the gun! But Mossberg does not recommend shooting hevi-shot out of their extra full choke. But I will try it, what the heck!

Also bought a box of hevi-shot. So now the test begins! I plan on trying hevi-shot out of all three chokes. Oh! I also bought a Sims LimbSaver recoil pad, cant wait to see what kind of difference that makes!

Now I just need some cardboard to see where this thing will be the most dense with these new chokes.

Time to print up some turkey targets! wink.gif

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Re: Now The Test Begins!

LifeNRA please do us a favor and do not shoot heavy-shot through that Mossberg turkey choke since they recommend that you shouldn't. I know of a guy that had pieces of a tukey choke (not recommended for hevi-shot) blown off. No sense taking any chances of injury no mater how small the risk might be. wink.gif

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Re: Now The Test Begins!


I was just sending Don a PM about that!

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Yes, Don would be the best one here that can give you info. on a comp-N-choke. I am willing to bet that the heavyshot outta the jellyhead is going to be your best results...but I'll wait to hear your results. wink.gif

As far as the sims-recoil pad...I have one on my 870 and wouldn't spend the money for another. I really didn't notice any difference in felt recoil with it on there. wink.gif

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Now The Test Begins!

the jelly head is great for heavy shot. i did alot of testing on ammo and choke tubes this year now im broke$$$$$$$ but i know what all of my guns can do.

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Re: Now The Test Begins!


Life, you won't be sorry with that limbsaver pad, I put one on awhile back, SWEEEEEET, is all I have to say!

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I didnt even shoot this thing yet and I know its going to work GREAT! Man! That old hard rubber one that Mossberg throws on might as well be a BRICK! I believe I will be getting one for my A-Bolt!


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Re: Now The Test Begins!

Will do! BTW, if your have an 835 or a 935, the Sims LimbSaver Precision Fit #10201 is the one you want for your gun! It fits great!

Also, when installing this pad, lube the phillips head screwdriver shaft with something as to not tear up the rubber! I just used a bit of liquid hand soap, just enough for the shaft to slide! I did this after I noticed the first hole was getting a little rough!


I have one on my 870 and wouldn't spend the money for another. I really didn't notice any difference in felt recoil with it on there.

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Yeah snapper, I am quite sure it wont tame the 3.5" shell that much! But anything is better than that hard rubber one! I sure I will still get my BUTT kicked when patterning these new chokes!


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Re: Now The Test Begins!


Yeah snapper, I am quite sure it wont tame the 3.5" shell that much! But anything is better than that hard rubber one! I sure I will still get my BUTT kicked when patterning these new chokes!

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I guess I expected a miracle...for $35, I didn't feel any difference. I thought the same thing you, this soft rubber pad gotta work better than that hard stock pad...LOL smirk.gif

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Re: Now The Test Begins!

LOL! Ok, well Cabela's will take them back no matter what! Thats where I bought the chokes. Which ever one that does the best, the other is going back! Those two chokes were $90! Unfortunately I have no other way of testing to see which one will be better! I should have gotten the HS Undertaker too! Will see!

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