The Axis bowl


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I have been invited again, to my 2nd most favorite place on earth. The Texas Hill country( Kerrville) for a Axis hunt :). Last year I went down and took a small axis buck, got to meet and spend a day with Tink at his home and strengthened some friendships too. I had a blast. Plane tickets are $188. I can't drive there for that price. It is all a matter of my Dr this Monday, approving another few weeks of recovering from my ACL replacement surgery on Oct 1st.


I get these two pictures from where we hunted last year, from my buddy who is hosting me. He sat there this morning, in 18* weather...YIKES! with his camera scouting for me. What a guy. There is a good buck under the feeder see the horns? I hope it sticks around and no one else shoots him. These are free ranging deer. The river in the background is the Guadalupe.

See the whitetail in the second pic? The Axis chase the whitetail away from the feeder.

How do you shoot one without hitting ten of them?

A problem I am so not used to living and hunting in NYS.

Hopefully I will get a few more weeks to errr...convalesce in Texas for about 5 days in a week or two. I can't wait!

I will be getting NO break with the cold weather. Texas has been just as cold as NY, but only no snow.

Thought I'd share these pics taken today.

Anyone else ever hunt Axis?


A lone whitetail spike.


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Man i would love to do that. I was born in Kerrville and lived in Comfort TX for a couple years before moving to Louisiana. Some day i will get down there to hunt. I have always wanted to shoot a buck off my great grandpa's property where my dad shot his first deer. I dont know if that property is still in the family

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I am getting very psyched up for this trip. I am hoping to retire in the Hill country. If the Good Lord sees fit to get me to retirement.

It will be the sportsman's wonderland that I have been dreaming of. I fell in love with the Hill country :).

My buddy sends me this pic from yesterday afternoons sit.

Those are some really nice horns. Hope that bad boy sticks around for a few more weeks.


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Axis DeerThat buck in the photo is a nice buck by all means but you really need to let him finish growing, i would look for one that is either hard horned, or if in velvet that is pointed on the tops. The buck in the photo horn tips are flat, a sign that he has much more to grow. I would say he is in the 20" range and would probably grow to 24"-26" range if allowed to finish growing. My wife and i shot these axis on a low fence ranch in the hill country. Mine is 32" and hers is 30". My wifes is in velvet but if you look at the tops of the horns they are pointed. There is no other animal i would rather hunt or eat, I hope you hunt goes good and keep us posted





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That buck in the photo is a nice buck by all means but you really need to let him finish growing, i would look for one that is either hard horned, or if in velvet that is pointed on the tops. The buck in the photo horn tips are flat, a sign that he has much more to grow. I would say he is in the 20" range and would probably grow to 24"-26" range if allowed to finish growing. My wife and i shot these axis on a low fence ranch in the hill country. Mine is 32" and hers is 30". My wifes is in velvet but if you look at the tops of the horns they are pointed.

There is no other animal i would rather hunt or eat, I hope you hunt goes good and keep us posted

My experience with judging Axis is none. I appreciate the advice. I would absolutely love to shoot a larger Axis or one in hard horn. time is limited, flying in this Thursday(21st) and leaving Tuesday(26th) afternoon. Where I am hunting is NOT a ranch for these type hunts. It is a 10 acre property, behind a business where these Axis frequent and we have access. Most likely because a feeder is maintained by my buddy there. I am not even counting on seeing that buck since it is free range and someone else might have shot him since these pics were taken. I will gladly shoot a doe if the opportunity presents itself. A trophy would be nice but meat is sweet:).

It is not set up for a bow hunt either, which I would prefer. I will be using a rifle.

BTW...welcome to the forums, and those are some really nice Axis your wife and you harvested.

I hope I am as blessed.

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Heres another axis tidbit, axis breed year round. they have a peak breeding time in June and July but breed all year. the chances of you killing a doe and her being pregnant are very high so be prepared for the that when field dressing.

That I knew. Mr Tink Nathan took me to Axis/Chital school:D.

This will be my third Axis hunt.

March 08 was unsuccessful, Feb 09 was a button buck.

It is the BEST tasting meat I have ever eaten.

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I would have to agree with Rick, let that buck grow. Here in Australia they aren’t called Axis, there called Chital. The stags grow antlers not horns.

We don't call them stags here in the states we call them bucks, billys or bulls. Stag is when you go to a party alone without a woman:clown:.

I know the difference in horns and antlers. Hard horn sounds better than hard antler.Unless you are teaching about head gear on animals, then you use the proper terminology. BTW... Once you shoot them...they are horns...they won't be falling off anymore:D. Here in New York...the season is not open to shoot whitetail while they are in velvet. So an Axis in Velvet is appealing to me. The Native Texans and the taxidermist I visit when in Texas, refers to Axis shot without velvet as hard horn. I'm going with the Texans on this one.I was told by Tink; Chital is the India term for them. In Texas everyone...and I mean EVERYONE calls them Axis. We are not doing deer management on these Axis, this is not a ranch that grows them. They are free ranging, no fences. They come and go as they please. If any Axis buck better than a button steps out. It will receive the bilateral pnuemo thorax from me. 2 of them did ;). 2 shots...2 kills. The first one weighed 162lbs! The second one was a one hard horned spike which was shot at the request of my friend who was hosting me; who wanted the meat. They can be in hard horn or velvet depending on when they were born. The bigger boy in the aforementioned pics never showed up. Or else he would have been ventilated also.

Pics and whole story tomorrow.

Sleepy time.

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