Solo Hunt this morning


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Decided to head out with all my decoys and hunt some public land. Got out there at 4:30 to get a spot.

Totally forgot it was Friday and not a single other person showed up. As I sat 3 hours before sun-up I had geese come swimming in between me and the dekes. 10 minutes before shooting time, the mallards, wigeon, gadwalls, and pintails started to pour in. It was amazing, I just wish they would have waited 10 minutes. Once shooting time hit, I dropped a double Gadwall drake and hen, which in return 100 or so others on the water took flight. I could not get loaded fast enough to get another shot. Couple minutes later, I had a drake pintail decoy in perfect, cupped up and laid him out. He hit the water and started swimming like a champ, I jumped up, loaded 3 shells and ran as fast as I could in the water and in waders to finish him off. I shot all 3 shells and they didn't take him out. I was sick watching him swim all the way across the river. I wanted that for the wall so bad. Anyhow, here are some pics. Getting all my gear ready for my morning Canada hunt then I will be back in this spot Sunday morning. This weekend is shaping up quite nicely!!!











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Nice Koolaid...You guys have a lot of divers out that way? Are you seeing many divers? They seem to pass through my area usually in the time frame that extends 3 days before Halloween to 3 days after Halloween...Nice Pics...Too bad on the pin tail - i still have yet to get one for my wall...they are a pretty bird for sure. Good luck this weekend!

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