Anyone shopping for turkey gear now?


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Anyone pick up turkey gear for the spring around now?? Not too long ago I got a couple free boxes of Federal Heavyweight Flitecontrol shells at Gandermountain while I was in the area. Then just tonight I came home with a Realtree Pro Series 3D leaf jacket in Advantage Timber camo that should work well this spring. Matches my Benelli anyway so at least I'll look like I could know what I'm doing. lol

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Back in the fall I got a new vest from Cabela's Bargain Cave...A $100 Tactical Tat'r vest in RT AP camo for $30!!! What a deal...and while I never got out fall turkey hunting, can't wait to try it come spring...I love all the pockets on it, but especially the memory foam seat!

I'd like to pick up a new pair of camo pants at some point, and probably another box of Federal Mag Shok, but otherwise basically set....Oh wait, think I lost one of my favorite mouth calls as well so I may pick up another one of those...

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I use a couple of slate calls that I think work well. One is from someone local here in NY...

I use the Double talk Xtreme. It comes with wooden and acrylic strikers in case things get a little damp. Also, it's a glass call on top and then slate on the bottom; two different sounding surfaces for sounding like two ladies.

I also have a Primos slate call that I really like and use. It's a Jackpot slate with custom striker. I like the sound of slate but the aluminum ones are pretty easy to use.

Hope that helps.

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I'm sure I'll buy a few new mouth calls to play with, but that'll probably be all.

Not yet, im still focused on bambi.....but i sure could use a new slate call this year. Thats one thing i will be in the market for. ANy suggestions on a fairly reasonably priced call ?

PM Andy(bowhunter56)... He'll set you up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the last Jake-Mobile at the Bass Pro in Council Bluffs, Iowa last night on the way back from the Nebraska Big Buck Classic. It was the display model and on clearance. I need to get a new striker for my glass call and might need to get a new cheap hen decoy or two as well. Can't wait for turkey season! Cluck, cluck, gobble, gobble BANG!!! :D

Dakota :)

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