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Well, I mean why is this a story? When he went in front of Congress and said "I'm not here to talk about the past" he was basically saying "I used them, but I'm not going to admit that here today."

Rhiney, he was a great player before the juice, much like Barry Bonds was, just not 70 HRs a year great.

Honestly, none of these records should count, and baseball needs to just treat the "steroid era" as it's own thing, outside of the rest of MLB history.

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Well, I mean why is this a story? When he went in front of Congress and said "I'm not here to talk about the past" he was basically saying "I used them, but I'm not going to admit that here today."

Rhiney, he was a great player before the juice, much like Barry Bonds was, just not 70 HRs a year great.

Honestly, none of these records should count, and baseball needs to just treat the "steroid era" as it's own thing, outside of the rest of MLB history.

couldn't agree more with all of this......

and I hate agreeing with muggs :bang::hammer1: :D:D:D

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You know, actually, I saw the interview video, and..............dang, he looked pretty contrite. He actually looked like he regretted using the stuff, like he got caught up in the times and is now really sorry he did it.

I don't know. Out of all of them that have been accused, and have come out, he looks to be the most sincere in his apology.

Maybe it was just me.

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That is pretty lame, just say the word and I will use my mod powers and delete it for you.:bang:

you have got to be kidding...

see, ...that news shouldn't be shocking, seeing how it's 145 years old. Much like the news of a 6'5" 250 pound muscle-bound red head who was hitting 500 foot jacks during the height of the steroid era admitting to taking steroids should also not be shocking to anyone.'s a joke. Ya know, one of those things that induce an involuntary reaction which often results in a noise being released that sounds like "hahaha" or "hehehe."

Ever experience that, bro?


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1. you have got to be kidding...

2. see, ...that news shouldn't be shocking, seeing how it's 145 years old. Much like the news of a 6'5" 250 pound muscle-bound red head who was hitting 500 foot jacks during the height of the steroid era admitting to taking steroids should also not be shocking to anyone.

3.'s a joke. Ya know, one of those things that induce an involuntary reaction which often results in a noise being released that sounds like "hahaha" or "hehehe."

4. Ever experience that, bro?


Please see sentence #3 above.

Apparently you still have aways to go before you make it up to my humor level.:)

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You know, actually, I saw the interview video, and..............dang, he looked pretty contrite. He actually looked like he regretted using the stuff, like he got caught up in the times and is now really sorry he did it.

I don't know. Out of all of them that have been accused, and have come out, he looks to be the most sincere in his apology.

Maybe it was just me.

I agree.

And before some jump on me NO it has nothing to do with the fact he is and was a Cardinal.

But when he said all of this

"After all this time, I want to come clean," he said. "I was not in a position to do that five years ago in my congressional testimony, but now I feel an obligation to discuss this and to answer questions about it. I'll do that, and then I just want to help my team."

McGwire said he wanted to tell the truth then but evaded questions at that hearing on the advice of his lawyers.

"I wanted to talk about this," McGwire said to Costas. "I wanted to get this off my chest. We didn't get immunity. So here I am in this situation with two scenarios: possible prosecution or possible grand jury testimony."

McGwire's lawyers, Mark Bierbower and Marty Steinberg, told him that if he made any admission, he could be charged with a crime and that he, his family and friends could be forced to testify before a grand jury. He decided not to talk about the past.

"That was the worst 48 hours of my life, going through that, but I had to listen to the advice of my attorneys," McGwire said.

I understand more NOW WHY he said the "I'm not here to talk about the past" over and over and over again....I am going to guess most of us would have done the same thing.

BUT he did use roids as many thought and he has to now deal with it....... The whole era is tainted and will be forever...Go ahead and stick the * in there.

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you have got to be kidding...

see, ...that news shouldn't be shocking, seeing how it's 145 years old. Much like the news of a 6'5" 250 pound muscle-bound red head who was hitting 500 foot jacks during the height of the steroid era admitting to taking steroids should also not be shocking to anyone.'s a joke. Ya know, one of those things that induce an involuntary reaction which often results in a noise being released that sounds like "hahaha" or "hehehe."

Ever experience that, bro?


Easy turbo, he was joking too.



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Rhiney, he was a great player before the juice, much like Barry Bonds was, just not 70 HRs a year great.

This is almost like saying IF Colt McCoy had not been knocked out of the Natl Championship the Horns would've won(which for the record, I completely disagree with), but Barry Bonds was a ballplayer without steroids. He was a 40 40 guy... There are only three other in the history of baseball(and yes, I realize one was Canseco and that one probably was tainted by roids... However, I doubt Bond's 40 40 was. He was about 80 pounds lighter that year than when he finished his career).

All I meant by my comment at the first of the thread was that McGwire was a mediocre power hitter with a below average glove(unfortunately those roids never helped that) before roids. Just saying :D

Ps... I always had something against McGwire

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This is almost like saying IF Colt McCoy had not been knocked out of the Natl Championship the Horns would've won(which for the record, I completely disagree with), but Barry Bonds was a ballplayer without steroids. He was a 40 40 guy... There are only three other in the history of baseball(and yes, I realize one was Canseco and that one probably was tainted by roids... However, I doubt Bond's 40 40 was. He was about 80 pounds lighter that year than when he finished his career).

All I meant by my comment at the first of the thread was that McGwire was a mediocre power hitter with a below average glove(unfortunately those roids never helped that) before roids. Just saying :D

Ps... I always had something against McGwire

Didn't Big Mac set the HR record for rookies when he was still a skinny, pre-roids player?

Actually, looked it up, he did with 49...

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