At what point...


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Wow its too bad you turned the channel off and prejudged the guy for something you have absoutely no clue about ... you obviously didnt watch the begining of the show either ... he was at 996 yards there range finders werent able to get an accurate range because of the fog so they had to stalk to a closer pile of hay to get a more accurate range for him ... they waited 5 hours for that deer to get up .... then a doe got up and ran off taking the buck with it ... he did not shoot because he didnt have the shot he wanted ... they hunted 2 more days before he actually got the shot he wasnted ... when he had a day and half left he shot at a mule deer and MISSED .... never got another shot at that monster .... at the very end of his show he made a statement basiscally saying exactly what you would say ... he said the hunt is what you make it and for people to say this isnt a hunt is fighting between hunters which actually helps the antis ... its the same battle as crossbows verses bows ... for you to say he wasnt hunting is total bulll he has killed more animals with his bow then you or I will probably ever see ... now at what point in this whole game of hunting do we get to take the hunting title away from him .... is it because he shot an animal at a distance you personally wouldnt? BTW he was in North Dakota on an Indian reservation because it is illegal to shoot a big game with a BMG in North Dakota unless he was on the reservation ... too bad you went spouting off about him and how you dont think he is a real hunter before you watched the ENTIRE show ... who knows you might have learned something interesting ... BTW after he MISSED the deer he set a target up and took another PRACTICE shot and discovered his rifle was off so he sited it back in and the next shot was perfect ....

So out of all this he went hunting for a free ranging deer with a legal weapon he shot and missed just like all of us have then he made a correction ... due tot he practice and hard work he put into his weapon was able to make a good shot on the animal he was hunting ... Now at what point would he ba classified as a non hunter? or non ethical? or whatever your agruement is here ...

Its too bad that we have so much bickering and arguing about such petty things in our sport making it so easy for the antis to tee off on us ...

BTW he did make a comment about the bullet and how it didnt ruin the meat ... wonder why he made that comment if it wasnt just a shoot .... either he is going to eat the deer or he is going to donate it ... either way its win win ... right ... arent we all he for the exact same reason .... oh wait no I guess not because at some point someone decided to "classify" a hunt ...


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Wow Bowtech, your response sounds very personal and on the border of attack. You must know it all, because no one here brought that kind of response to the post(s) I made, even the ones who disagreed with me. What is Burnworth your personal friend?...Who is spouting off here? and who didn't read the WHOLE post and the other post I made on this topic? YOU.

Tsk Tsk Tsk...You know what else PAL...He had to find a place where he could do it, on a reservation. I guess the DNR of that state must have it wrong also for people not being allowed to use the 50BMG to kill animals with. They must be helping the anti's also:rolleyes: Didn't think of that did ya?

If you READ and comprehended the post, like you are supposed would have gotten to the question part(s) and not so worried about the questioning of one of your idols apparently. There has been no bickering or incivility regarding this topic until your post.

I got your here is your change.

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Touche' Anthony! When this place gets to the point that ordinary hunters can't express differences of opinion and ask for other's opinions is the day I need to find another spot to post. Expressing one's opinion and ethics is not bashing, far from it. There's been nothing personal in this thread until Bowtech chimed in. We all know what opinions are like, and in my opinion taking shots with a 50 at 1,000 yards is more for TV entertainment than a practical hunting situation. So I suppose I'm helping out the anti's too huh?

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At what point is hunting hunting and not marksmanship?

Reason I ask is...

I was flipping channels today and came across Western Extreme hunting with Jim Burnworth. who is making this personal?

They were setting up on large round hay bales in Nebraska with a .50 BMG bolt gun, about to shoot a Mule deer at 987 yards. Incorrect you obviously didnt watch the show ... LIKE I SAID They didn't get to shoot it. It got up and took off with a doe. I guess this would be hunting instead of shooting correct? I got disgusted and turned the channel.

To me, that is NOT hunting... WHY because he didnt use a bow like the thousands of countless other animls he has killed? that is accurate shooting if successful. he practied a lot at that range ... If you woulda watched the show ... I know there is great skill involved in making a shot at that distance. But is it hunting? he stalked in on the animal waited for an ethical shot and didnt take a bad shot ... didnt get it so he stalked another one ....

OK, I have seen some shots at Sheep and Rams on TV in the 2-400 yard range. But to shoot something almost a quarter mile away, I feel is NOT sporting, but exceptional shooting. guess this would be a PERSONAL OPINION

Does the deer have the same chance as a hunter taking the shot at say... 150 yards across a corn field? Or does shooting an animal at that distance take away the sport of it all? aboslutely no difference just yardage They are not meat hunting, Incrrect at the end of the show he made a comment about how he didnt ruin the meat ... Once again didnt watch the show!! they are filming a TV show. thats how he makes a living

As a bowhunter, I enjoy getting close and I think beating the animal in his own living room is a greater accomplishment than shooting it from another zip code. personal opinion

What say you?II said you have no right to question him being a hunter ... you made this personal by calling him out thats all I said ... you also made several incorrect statements that I corrected .... I dont have that right? No i dont know him no hes not a friend but when something this blatent is misquoted people need to watch what they say ... you proved my exact point by your response ...

Nothing I said was personal but factual ... you went on the defensive when I called your ORIGINAL post bull with the facts ...

Its perfectly legal to shoot a BMG on the reservation he did absolutely nothing wrong ... the obvious reason why the DNR wouldnt want you shooting a 2mile gun on public or private property would be obvious to me ... as we know a reservation is quite different when you know what is over the next hil or what is beyond that next canyon ...

you attacked me with your reponse just like I figured you would which proves the point I made about infighting amongst other hunters .... I mean the guy did absolutlely nothing wrong ... yet you question if he is a hunter ... I just dont get it ....

If you want to say its personall attack thats fine ... I can take it but I dont think I said or did anything wrong I just stated the fact plain and simple ....



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At what point is hunting hunting and not marksmanship?

Reason I ask is...

I was flipping channels today and came across Western Extreme hunting with Jim Burnworth. who is making this personal?

They were setting up on large round hay bales in Nebraska with a .50 BMG bolt gun, about to shoot a Mule deer at 987 yards. Incorrect you obviously didnt watch the show ... LIKE I SAID They didn't get to shoot it. It got up and took off with a doe. I guess this would be hunting instead of shooting correct? I got disgusted and turned the channel.

To me, that is NOT hunting... WHY because he didnt use a bow like the thousands of countless other animls he has killed? that is accurate shooting if successful. he practied a lot at that range ... If you woulda watched the show ... I know there is great skill involved in making a shot at that distance. But is it hunting? he stalked in on the animal waited for an ethical shot and didnt take a bad shot ... didnt get it so he stalked another one ....

OK, I have seen some shots at Sheep and Rams on TV in the 2-400 yard range. But to shoot something almost a quarter mile away, I feel is NOT sporting, but exceptional shooting. guess this would be a PERSONAL OPINION

Does the deer have the same chance as a hunter taking the shot at say... 150 yards across a corn field? Or does shooting an animal at that distance take away the sport of it all? aboslutely no difference just yardage They are not meat hunting, Incrrect at the end of the show he made a comment about how he didnt ruin the meat ... Once again didnt watch the show!! they are filming a TV show. thats how he makes a living

As a bowhunter, I enjoy getting close and I think beating the animal in his own living room is a greater accomplishment than shooting it from another zip code. personal opinion

What say you?II said you have no right to question him being a hunter ... you made this personal by calling him out thats all I said ... you also made several incorrect statements that I corrected .... I dont have that right? No i dont know him no hes not a friend but when something this blatent is misquoted people need to watch what they say ... you proved my exact point by your response ...

Nothing I said was personal but factual ... you went on the defensive when I called your ORIGINAL post bull with the facts ...

Its perfectly legal to shoot a BMG on the reservation he did absolutely nothing wrong ... the obvious reason why the DNR wouldnt want you shooting a 2mile gun on public or private property would be obvious to me ... as we know a reservation is quite different when you know what is over the next hil or what is beyond that next canyon ...

you attacked me with your reponse just like I figured you would which proves the point I made about infighting amongst other hunters .... I mean the guy did absolutlely nothing wrong ... yet you question if he is a hunter ... I just dont get it ....

If you want to say its personall attack thats fine ... I can take it but I dont think I said or did anything wrong I just stated the fact plain and simple ....



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My uncle has made some pretty long shots on some nice whitetails here in Oklahoma. I personally watched him make a shot a hair over 650 yards. The man knows more about deer hunting than most people I know. He spends plenty of times in the field , yet he prides himself on shooting quality deer and the longer the shot he can make....the better. If you want to gripe about an unfair yardage then you might as well call ALL gun hunters out.....on secound thought lets call all compound bows out.....well lets get rid of all bows too. They all have an unfair advantage, or an edge against the animal we all pursue if you will. Basically the only "fair" way to hunt a deer would be to chase it down on foot and kill it bare handed no???

Of course I'm being a SmartA here, but what hunting is to one person may not be to another. Hunting is what a person makes of it and who am I or anyone else to judge it. Calling out the guy who can make a 1000 yd. shot on a deer is silly in my opinion. Just because you wouldn't do it doesn't make it unethical, or less of a hunt.

Thats just my 2 cents.

BTW, good to see the ghost return.....cough....cough........Steve! :D

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If you want to say its personall attack thats fine ... I can take it but I dont think I said or did anything wrong I just stated the fact plain and simple ....



You STILL did not read the second post I made after a few responses( many before yours) and I saw the whole show. Which some corrections/enlightenment was made by me from the original post. But you chose to harp on the first post that was, and I will say; a bit uninformed since I didn't watch the whole show the first time I came across it.

Don't worry about hurting my feeling's...I am a big boy.

Thanks for the PM AND YOUR opinion. Lets move on. This is not about you and I.

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If you ain't running barefoot through the cactus clutching a rock in your hand...YOU AIN'T HUNTING!!!! :)

I like a good blunt nose 4,000 grain limestone. Good aerodynamics and smooth to the palm (although I hit a good one last year at five steps and lost him, didnt find blood, hair, or anything...... he just walked off with his tail up).

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Well, here are my thoughts. In the spirit of fair chase an animal would have the ability to use it's senses (optical, olfactory and auditory) to detect danger and attempt an escape. There is a distance at which these senses can no longer be of any use and/or anything detected is so diluted as to not constitute a threat. Setting up anywhere the intended target is beyond this point (noting that the target may move about in it's natural travels) is just shooting. The proper equipment, practice and the ability to pay for such is self limiting and beyond the means of most of us. Is it hunting? Only to the delusional. I have seen this show once and the shooter, although successful in harvesting an animal, was overly disappointed that the shot he took was less than 500 yards and while there were ample opportunities to get closer he wished to be much farther away. While legal, this type of "hunting" is definitely not in the spirit of the hunt nor does it present a positive image to the non-hunting fraternity. Some people get a thrill only out of shooting something and it does not matter how. Not I. Just my opinion, but it will keep me from ever watching that show again.

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I like a good blunt nose 4,000 grain limestone. Good aerodynamics and smooth to the palm (although I hit a good one last year at five steps and lost him, didnt find blood, hair, or anything...... he just walked off with his tail up).

Well what did you expect at that range! EVERYONE KNOWS the "Effective Range" with Limestone under 10,000grains is only 4 steps....unless you of course you used a RockBow!!!(where legal of course).

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To me, that is NOT hunting... that is accurate shooting if successful. I know there is great skill involved in making a shot at that distance. But is it hunting?

OK, I have seen some shots at Sheep and Rams on TV in the 2-400 yard range. But to shoot something almost a quarter mile away, I feel is NOT sporting, but exceptional shooting.

Does the deer have the same chance as a hunter taking the shot at say... 150 yards across a corn field? Or does shooting an animal at that distance take away the sport of it all? They are not meat hunting,they are filming a TV show.

As a bowhunter, I enjoy getting close and I think beating the animal in his own living room is a greater accomplishment than shooting it from another zip code.

What say you?

The hunter/shooter does(depending on how you choose to view it) still have to find the animal they want to shoot, so in that aspect I guess it is hunting. I enjoy getting close too Anthony, but guess to each their own.

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I guess if one was brought up around long distance shooting, it is as normal as anything else you grew up around and was exposed to. For me, having to get close due to the tremendous foliage I hunt in seems to be more of a challenge. That is me and where I hunt. Which is why I do not understand the shooting into another zip code for harvest. To each their own...I understand that.

I am enjoying reading others take on this and it is helping me understand this issue a little bit better.

I am learning daily about the different ways other folks hunt. This topic was really my feelings before many expressed opinions and helped me see things a bit differently.

I am not ashamed to admit to that.

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Like Steve said, for me it's all about experiencing God in His great natural creation, and taking each hunt as a blessing.

But of course greed takes over for some and they find the adrenaline rush in trying to be the biggest and best and shooting farther than anyone else and being the most popular...But to each their own...if it's what floats their boat, fine.

I like how I hunt, the way I hunt, and I'm satisfied with the opportunties I've been blessed with.

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Do I agree with it? Not so much...but I have never had a chance to hunt in an area where a shot like that could take place. Nor have I ever shot at that distance for any reason. Around here an animal at 100yards it out of sight. We can see the points on a deer before we get a shot off. If a man searched for an animal and really did his homework I dont see a problem with shooting it from that distance. It is not like he just drove up and said theres one, lets get it....did he?

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