Primos bow sling

Guest Squirrelbuster

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Guest Squirrelbuster

I recently bought a Primos bow sling for next bow season. I was wondering if anyone else has used this sling? I know that it is going to make traveling to my tree stand in the morning while climbing hills a lot easier.

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Primos bow sling


Looks inhibiting Cannyou shoot with it on?

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This bow sling does not allow you to shoot while it is on, but there are some slings out there that can be on the bow and shoot at the same time.

The only time I will really be using it is when I am walking to my stand in the morning or in the evening when it isn't legal to hunt. Or I might use it when going through areas when I know I won't see anything. But when I will be in areas when there is a possibility that I will see a deer then I will not have it on my bow.

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Re: Primos bow sling

The one I have has a strap on the front that slips over the cam or wheel and a rope over the cam in the back. They are connected on the sling by a thin bungee cord encased in a hard rubber tube.

All you need to do is push the tube forward. (It pushes off the front strap) Tilt the bow back and the sling is free and clear so you can shoot. Very easy to use. Great design. You can still hunt with it or stand with the bow relaxed over your shoulder ready to go. I paid ten bucks for it. Best deal ever for something so useful. If all the primos sling does is carry the bow you paid too much.

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Primos bow sling


If all the primos sling does is carry the bow you paid too much.

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I wouldn't have payed for it if it was at regular price ($20), but I got it on clearance for $7. I figured the price was right and grabbed it.

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Primos bow sling


Protects the bow string and cam

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The protecting of the string is a quality I really do like. I wish they would come out with something that would protect the cables as well. Last summer I had to replace my cable on my bow because it started fraying. this was only after 1 year of use. I assumed it frayed due to rubbing up against brush while walking in the woods. It all started as a tiny fray and then worked its way into a big fray that made me afraid to shoot my bow.

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