Thanks Buckee!


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Came home from being out all day shopping with mom, to find a little brown box waiting for me:ninja:

Buckee was very generous and sent me some more Blacktail deer tails and a black bear tail! I have never seen a Black bear in the wild so the tail is basically the coolest thing,lol

Going to be set on tying alot of streamer flies for quite awhile!

Thanks again Buckee, you're a real great guy and your thoughtfulness is appreciated!

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i'll second that. thanks buckee. i remember something about ruth needing.. ah, never mind. those flys she's tying will have salmon on about late june. we had some sockeye tonigh and those are sockeye flies she's tying. and for those who say sockeye are plankton eaters and won't bite, tell that to the one we just ate. lol

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i'll second that. thanks buckee. i remember something about ruth needing.. ah, never mind. those flys she's tying will have salmon on about late june. we had some sockeye tonigh and those are sockeye flies she's tying. and for those who say sockeye are plankton eaters and won't bite, tell that to the one we just ate. lol

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