So for the last day...


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of freedom before I start this custodial thing tomorrow, I have a few things planned...and they don't involve:crutch::cool2:

First thing is calling HR at the hospital and bugging them about my application again.

Second thing, after barn chores, is getting my hunting stuff. We actually are going to be in the 30s today and sunny. Goind to chase down a few rabbits, keep and eye out for sheds, and check my trail camera:yes:

Third thing....I suppose mayeb tie some flies...and finally dinner...but what is great is last night we were in the store and they had lobsters on sale for $6.99 which is pretty good for here, so mom got 3 of them so tonight my mom, sister, and I are guessed it:pacman:

And finally I am going to ease my mind on this job thing, I've been letting it get theb etetr of me in terms of stressing myself out about it. I have something to do at least as I work on finding the "real thing" and talking to my mom last night about it, I really can't do much more than what I'm doing for where I have chosen to be, other than be patient. Patience is definitely something I'm bad at:hammer1: So I believe God is teaching me something here....

Oh and another miscellaneous thing is subscribe to a nursing journal that I said I would do ages ago...I definitely want to keap edyoukated in anyways posible:):D

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Well called the hospital and apparently they filled whatever positionsand only have a lpn position in a Dr's office...God is wanting me somewhere else it seems. Ah well, like my mom said, be patient and trust in the Lord, it will all work out.

Got a few chores left then taking off...nothing like a beautiful sunny day to brighten one's mood:)

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Why not take the LPN position in a doctor's office?

So what if you are over qualified.

You are over qualified to be a janitor as well.

It would get your feet in the door of the medical profession, or are you just scared of finding out how little you actually know about nursing? You could learn something even working as an LPN. It is called experience.

Janitorial work is not going to look that good on your resume anyway.


Edited by popgun
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