first deer(260lbs,massive 11point)


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it is my first time bowhunting and my best buddies we got our bows on christmas and have been practicing ever since. We have hunted a total of 4 times this year and he comes up with this deer.

Are stands are about 50 yards a part both by deer trails. I usally do all the calling and tonight was the same. I had a watch on and rattled every 15 minutes. At exactly 6:26 i began to rattle. After 20 seconds i stopped and then bleated with the can a few times and waited. The 3 does in the area all started to run i knew a buck was coming in but not this on. we where both hunting a buck we have seen a 9 pont non typical about 230lbs live weight. But instead of that buck coming it was this one. the deer was taking a path that we have never seen the deer in the area take. I could see it but he couldn't. Finally he heard it and i saw him reach for his bow. As the deer gets closer and closer it comes all the way to 7 yards away. i heard him draw and the deer looked up. WHACK . His muzzy 125 3blade goes in one side and out the other. he hits one lung on entry and the heart on the exit. the aluminum arrow had about 5 inches stick out but it was a pass threw. We both only pull 57 lbs. well the deer runs and the 5 inches of arrow with the vanes, broke off and the other half of the arrow fell out the other side. i see the deer go down. he hit it at exacly 6:30 and we knew he hit the deer good so at 7:00 we went looking. the blood trail was amazing. It was basically a staright line of blood thanks to the his muzzy. these things mad a massive hole i could not belive it, the deer was bleeding over everything. These muzzys are definitly the only broadheads we will ever shoot. After 50 yards he takes the flash light and looks up because he knows it is close he sees the antlers sticking upand we both run to the deer and relise how big it acually is. we can't believe it. he gives me a hug and we start to drag it back. Man was it heavy. We gutted it and took it to the house for pitcures. We had it at the house at 7:20 gutted and everything. Now it is my turn and i guess he gets to tape me for the rest of the year. It was the hardest my heart has ever pounded just seeing him shoot it. i can't wait till i get the chance.

PS the rattleing works in illiniois

ill get pitcures up tomarrow if i can after i bring it to the butcher and check in station with him.

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Re: first deer(260lbs,massive 11point)

Congrats to your friend!

Theres just not too many things that can top a hunt like that.

what where u using, a rattle bag or real horns also how aggressive were you? Sounds as if I may have to get my rattle bag out.

Cant wait to see those pictures, sounds like a dandy.. smile.gif Where abouts in Illinois are you??

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Guest finnlander

Re: first deer(260lbs,massive 11point)

Congrats to both of you. Sounds like your plan worked out great. I bet it was awesome to watch. Although I'm sure you would have prefered to be the one pulling back your bow. Good luck. Look forward to the pics.

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Re: first deer(260lbs,massive 11point)

these are some pics of the buck. thanks alot timbo for helping me the first one is of my buddies brother and the second is of me and the deer. i don't have any of pics my buddie who took the deer with it but i guess these will do. not bad for a fist deer ever huh!!

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