Vikes vs Cowboys


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The cocaine train michael irvin had his radio show linked with the common mans show out of the twin cities today. It was fairly hilarious to hear the back and forth from the alternating callers from one show than the other. You could definitely tell the "minnesota nice" coming through the radio compared to the callers from irvins show. Going against pretty much everyone on espn and fox...and knowing the head ref for the game has called more penalties on the home team than any other ref in the league and the fact that chili got into a shouting match with the same ref in the lions game... Vikes by 10!

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The one time I can cheer for Ruh-ro and the Cowgirls and look what happens. :bang:

Should be a good NFC Championship game. Minnesota has a lot of weapons for Brent to use, but I think the Saints have more weapons on offense. Minnesota was a .500 team on the road, and it'll be hard for 'ol Brett to hear in that dome. But I'm still not sold on the Saints being a championship caliber team yet.

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Just under 26 hours til kickoff and I'm more pumped than I've ever been leading up to a vikes game! All I can say is I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope....but realistically I know it's gonna be one heck of a match up and we need to play flawlessly and score the first touchdown.

I want to hear everybody say they think the vikes will win this game, but I doubt that's what everybody will say....thoughts?

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