18 Deer Found Dead In One Field In Illinois


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As posted on Archerytalk.com:

I went out today to move some treestands and stopped to talk wiarmer who was stopped by the road wating for a grain truck to get back. He was telling me about this person who had found 18 deer dead in one of his fields. The called DNR and they came and checked it out and they said that their are Gnats that go into the nose of the deer, and bite it, the gnats are passing along some sort of disease that is killing the deer. This is a true story. This guy is a very credible person who would have no reason whatsoever to make up a story like this. Has anyone else heard of this yet? I know that alot of people in the area are finding alot of Dead deer laying around with no visible cause of death....... This may be natures way of thinning the herd..........

Thats sounds very suspicious, wonder what really was the cause of it. Lets not hope its the disease, natures way of thinning out the herd. Not for sure in what part of IL this occurred but that would be a scene to have walked up on, More can be found out about it at

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Re: 18 Deer Found Dead In One Field In Illinois

Only real problem I have believing it is they were all in the same field dead.That would just about mean whatever killed em killed em very very fast.Been my experience sick animals will want to be alone and bedded down somewhere.If theyd all been shot and left to rot in the same field i could believe it but this woulda had to of killed em real fast or without any warning in my opinion.

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Re: 18 Deer Found Dead In One Field In Illinois

We had the same problem 2 to 3 years ago here in Va.. There was several deer ( I don't remember the #) that were killed by these gnats according to the wildlife biologists. Probably just God's way of keeping the deer #'s in check.

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Re: 18 Deer Found Dead In One Field In Illinois

I've heard a few of these stories in the past few years, always about a gnat or flie that bites them in the nose/mouth and they die soon. To be honest, i've always taken these as a hoax to scare hunters and get us going. That is MY opinion though, there could be truth behind the stories, I would contact your DNR and ask them. Just my 2 cents.

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Re: 18 Deer Found Dead In One Field In Illinois

sounds like an ailment called blue tongue

it is completely true. we had it two or three years ago here in Ohio. it is caused by lack of rain and thus these gnats are concentrated in the few drinking holes. when the deer drink from the infected water, they get blue tongue and die quickly.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: 18 Deer Found Dead In One Field In Illinois

we had few die of blue tongue a few years ago.. but nothing reported since.. usuallu it was one found dead of it , not a huge group like 18...

i have a hard time believing that there were 18 dead of blue tongue at one spot..

sounds like someone put poision out to kill the deer off ....

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