Fixed blades vs. mechanicals and field points..results video


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I just came accross this on You Tube and thought that I would share. ha ha

Kidding! I put this together with the many tests that I have been doing lately. I am sure that my friends will treat me kindly and know that I am an honest person and would not cheat my results. My friends who don't know they are my feinds yet might be more sceptical and possibly brutal until they get to know me.biggrin.gif


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Very interesting video and thanks for sharing. The EPEK looks like a great broadhead. I've shot out to fifty yards with lots of fixed blades including the G5 Striker, NAP Crossfire, and Muzzy MX3 broadheads and all are hitting within a 4" circle and I did not sight in with broadheads. They hit the same as field points. Although I do shoot Rage now I am just pointing out that if a bow is properly tuned you can get fixed blades to fly great. I know plenty of other guys that shoot with field points hitting the same as fixed blades. I'm just saying you don't have to shoot a mechanical broadhead to get field point flight.

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I havent said the names of the heads used because I didn't want to appear as bashing a head. I was simply shooting a few different heads to see if there was a consistancy between fixed, mechanicals and field points. I will say that you are getting very warm on your question to what I was shooting. ha ha

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Few questions................

I see you are affiliated with Epek

Was this bow broadhead tuned with a fixed blade?

Were all of these heads spin tested?

I know alot of guys argue that broadhead tuning with fixed blades doesn't matter but I've made a believer of alot of guys when they come over and we do a little tweaking. I shoot my stingers out to 60 yards and they are on with my field points. I can shoot mechanicals and they shoot the same spot after i broadhead tune. It's all about planing. If the center shot is off then the head will plane.

Edited by hutchies
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just one question were u aiming for the white spot on the deer? cuz ur groups with even the field points aren't very consistant for me i'm not trying to say this isn't correct im just saying i would have thought u could have stacked a couple of those arrows at 45 yards?

Edited by The Kid
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