Brown wins!!!! Brown wins!!! Brown wins!!!!


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The democrats are showing how deep their arrogance runs....

Barnie Frank became irate when it was suggested that the democrats would wait until after the health insurance legislation is voted on (to avoid letting Brown ruin the bill). Then--sensing the impending loss--proposed that the dems change the senate bill to prevent filibuster (thereby allowing the dems to push the bill through despite Brown's win). Unbelievable--there was a time in America when someone would be to ashamed to even suggest such subversive tactics.

obama and pelosi already said they were pushing healthcare regardless.

But we get the government we deserve. Most people can't tell you who their elected reps are, let alone what they have been doing. These people know that once elected they can do what they want as long as they talk a good game come re-election time.

We are getting ready to raise the debt ceiling again. Congress has yet to learn the lesson that many of you, your friends, and family learned over the last two years---you cannot continue to debt spend. We as a nation are insolvent and the Federal budget is approaching 100% of GDP.


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obama is currently a lame duck president, with little or no chance of being re elected. his agenda just met the real american people and his socialist agenda died the ugly death it's due. his co-horts are going to abandon him like rats deserting a sinking ship.


Steve you should tell them your Jimmy Carter joke. That one still cacks me up!

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