Never can count on a friend to go shed hunting!!!


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This is the third time in the row when my best friend/hunting buddy blows me off for something else when he has promised me three times to go shed hunting. Well didn't let it get to me so I went off and did my own shed hunting at my house (105 acres) Didn't find no sheds, don't think they lose them until March. Saw a 8pt main-frame and 7 does. Seen a bunch of sign, which is telling me to hunt in another part of my woods.

A old dried up creek bed that runs throughout my woods has become a crossing/trail for this whitetails. I took pictures of rubs and some bedding areas on the ridges and some new trails that wasn't around during the pre-rut. Will develop the pics, scan them, and try and get up here shortly.

Seen a big male red fox

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Re: Never can count on a friend to go shed hunting!!!

Looks like you need a new best friend. wink.gif

J/K--maybe he was just feeling unmotivated or something. I wouldn't take it too hard. You should appreciate your alone time now. I would give my left, .....ummmm, well, I would love to have some alone time right about now. grin.gif

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Re: Never can count on a friend to go shed hunting


im not gonna bribe him... not gonna let him walk all over me

[/ QUOTE ]

I wouldn't waste my time on him. Maybe he doesn't enjoy shed hunting as much as you do. I have a buddy that enjoys metal detecting and I want to try shed hunting at the same time. He antes up any sheds he finds and I ante up any metal! Great company!

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