Oklahoma Bill Reducing Antlered Harvest to 1


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To read the amendment currently in the OK House of Rep., click on the link above. The link will take you to a query page, click on #20-HB2557. On page 18-Letter D, you will find:

No person may take more than one antlered whitetail deer and one antlered mule deer annually, regardless of which open season the deer is taken. Antlerless whitetail deer and mule deer may be taken on any day of any open season established by the Commission subject only to a total bag limit for the season or year as established by the Commission.

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Guest TennesseeTurkey
I hope it passes.

It does suck to only be able to kill one buck in any season and when you do kill it your buck hunting is over... but KY does this and we've seen a huge jump in the size of our deer.... OK will be the next IL LOL :D

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How do you figure your hunting is over? You still have 5 doe tags to fill.....I'm not a buck only hunter. I'd be all for a one buck limit as Ohio does this, and well...we all know what they have.

I'd be more for an earn a buck idea with two buck tags a year....BUT, I'm not against the one buck limit.

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Guest TennesseeTurkey
How do you figure your hunting is over? You still have 5 doe tags to fill.....I'm not a buck only hunter. I'd be all for a one buck limit as Ohio does this, and well...we all know what they have.

I'd be more for an earn a buck idea with two buck tags a year....BUT, I'm not against the one buck limit.

go back and read hero I said your BUCK hunting is over...:hammer1:

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How many people actually fill both tags though?? I don't. In the rare event that I did get a good buck on the ground, I would not want to keep hunting for fear of seeing another good buck and not being able to kill it.

This is also just going to encourage out of state hunters when we do get a reputation for good bucks, which I can't even find land to hunt anyway!

I will admit, I was for reducing 3 bucks to 2, but I haven't seen any results from that...what makes you think a 1 buck limit is going to change that? The rifle hunters only get a 1 buck limit and they shoot more one year old deer than any group of hunters...I don't think it will do much for getting us bigger bucks.

I think educating the public is the only way to get bigger bucks, not limiting what we can and can't shoot to that extent.

Also, on the earn a buck thing- What if the biggest, gnarliest buck you have ever seen walks by at 7am on opening day? Too bad...you haven't killed your doe yet. You don't get many opportunities at big bucks, and I think either of these restrictions reduce that opportunity even more. I would like to see Oklahoma blaze its own trail and keep a two buck limit. I doubt I'll kill a two-buck limit very often (if ever) but I'd like to have the liberty to choose on my own. sorry for the rant.:cool2:

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How do you figure your hunting is over? You still have 5 doe tags to fill.....I'm not a buck only hunter. I'd be all for a one buck limit as Ohio does this, and well...we all know what they have.

I'd be more for an earn a buck idea with two buck tags a year....BUT, I'm not against the one buck limit.

But we are NOT Ohio, I am happy with it like it is, and would just as soon see it stay like this

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If only we could get it done here in the big TN. It will probably not happen here any time soon. We have too many blast n stack folks around here. I guess they like to use the horns of yearlings for toothpicks or something.

Here, they make you pay extra for a doe tag. If your hunting license let you harvest does and you had to purchase buck tags, meat hunters would be satisfied and trophy hunters would feel much better about it, too.

I mentioned reducing buck limits on the TNdeer.com site and the guys on there nearly stroked out.

Edited by TN Bucknasty
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But we are NOT Ohio, I am happy with it like it is, and would just as soon see it stay like this

To each his own I reckon...I vote yes!

There was suprisingly 100% of the folks at the gander mtn. shoot lastnight that were okies ( ok so it was only like 7 people ) who all were for it as well.

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As far as I know, Iowa doesn't have a one buck limit...why do they have so many big ones?? Because they are educated on what makes a big buck.....AGE....not putting more and more restrictions on hunters.

Kyle- If I'm going to see results in three years, why haven't I seen any results since the past reduction?

I feel that a person should have the right to manage the property he/she hunts according to they best see fit.

Thing is, if people don't see results from this legislation I doubt we can EVER get it changed back to a two buck limit. I think two bucks is a good compromise for those who want a one buck limit and those who want a three buck limit.

and guess what....if that gnarly buck walks by and I haven't shot a doe then too bad so sad. It's no different than seeing him September 31st........

No...it's not the same as seeing him on Sept. 30 (not 31 days in sept)....difference being I am DEER HUNTING on October 1st and should be allowed to take any deer I choose, whereas I'm not hunting on Sept. 31.

Kyle- If you're all for a one buck limit, would you have shot another buck if given the chance this past year? (assuming he meets your qualifications) My guess is yes.

Sure there will always be small bucks killed, but don't put restrictions on everybody else. If someone wants GIANT bucks, move somewhere else....lets keep our Oklahoma deer hunting tradition pure and not influenced by the big buck hype. I do love big bucks and they keep me in the woods and I won't shoot a 1.5 yr old buck, and do consider myself a trophy hunter. I understand you've got to have restrictions, but lets try to keep them to a minimum......

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Kyle- If I'm going to see results in three years, why haven't I seen any results since the past reduction?

because the two buck limit is only a year old I believe...definitely hasn't been 3 years.

I feel that a person should have the right to manage the property he/she hunts according to they best see fit.

So do I...personal property management has nothing to do with bag limits though. Some folks ( poachers ) see fit to shoot anything they want, regardless of what the law says....so bag limits should be regulated. One, two, or three bucks is fine...but the people shouldn't be allowed to take what they see fit.

Thing is, if people don't see results from this legislation I doubt we can EVER get it changed back to a two buck limit. I think two bucks is a good compromise for those who want a one buck limit and those who want a three buck limit.

Sure you can vote to change it, just like it's being voted to be changed now.

No...it's not the same as seeing him on Sept. 30 (not 31 days in sept)....difference being I am DEER HUNTING on October 1st and should be allowed to take any deer I choose, whereas I'm not hunting on Sept. 31.

Thats a cheap shot lol.

Really that is just a way around my point, and not a very good answer bud. If there is a earn a buck law and that big buck walks by then it's illegal to harvest him without a filled doe tag.....just as it would be if it were....Sept 30th/out of season. So the buck walks.....regardless how large he is.

Kyle- If you're all for a one buck limit, would you have shot another buck if given the chance this past year? (assuming he meets your qualifications) My guess is yes.

Sure I would have, but what does that prove? I could legally harvest two bucks this season. If the bag limit changes then that is fine with me. Again this is just my opinion....you don't have to agree.

Sure there will always be small bucks killed, but don't put restrictions on everybody else. If someone wants GIANT bucks, move somewhere else....lets keep our Oklahoma deer hunting tradition pure and not influenced by the big buck hype. I do love big bucks and they keep me in the woods and I won't shoot a 1.5 yr old buck, and do consider myself a trophy hunter. I understand you've got to have restrictions, but lets try to keep them to a minimum......

So just because someone doesn't agree with you and what you think, you think they should move out of the state? Come on Ryan that is a silly statement...the fact of the matter on this issue is simple. It will make legal hunters think twice before shooting a young buck. Hunters who don't worry about horns will still have 6 tags to fill the freezer. Poachers will still shot as many deer as they please, but the average joe hunter ( you and me ) will think twice before pulling the trigger.

Just because someone is for QDM doesn't make them wrong....like I said, if your against it vote no. I am voting yes.


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Remeber that quote right there. Just because you think an idea is a good one, doesn't mean everyone else does, and that is my whole line of thinking when it comes to hunting.

I don't dislike the way things are now at all, but I'm all for a one buck limit or earn a buck. If it doesn't pass that is just fine.

Why is it people ( and I'm not saying you are ) seem to get pissy when it comes to stuff like this? You and Ryan both kind of come acrossed that if this thing passes it's my fault and I'm pushing this on you both....again thats just how it comes acrossed to me. I'm not pushing anything, I'm just stating my beliefs on it, and if you notice I continually say if you don't agree....Vote No! It's that simple.:yes:

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I think it would kill the archery and primative arms season.

Oklahoma needs all the hunters and revenue that they bring to the state since they are furloughing their employes.

Why would it kill any season? You can shoot a deer, even a buck in all three seasons so long as you didn't take your buck yet. You still have 5 other doe tags to fill.

I think your saying if hunters can't hunt bucks, they won't hunt...right? Now doesn't that raise a big eyebrow for all those hunters that are "just" in it for the hunt and don't care about horns......

If this was true then those hunters wouldn't care if the deer was buck or doe.

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