power belt


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What ever bullet shoots the most accurate out of your rifle...thats the one you should settle with.

I say settle with because the process of picking the right bullet has a couple benefits. The first benefit is that while trying multiple bullet types/brands you will become very familiar with your ML. You will also become very consistent in how you load, clean, and care for your ML. You would think that finding the bullet that is the most accurate out of your rifle is the more important of these things...actually they are all as important as each other when it comes to Muzzleloading!

I started off with Powerbelt bullets in my ML but was not happy with the long range accuracy from my rifle.

I spent almost half of what my rifle cost, on different bullets, before I settled on a bullet/sabot combination from Thompson Center.

Out of my rifle...this is the bullet that is the most accurate:


Edited by GWSmith
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I bought a TC Triumph last summer and have run about 200 rounds through it- pretty much all experimental. I started with the TC Shockwaves, thinking that they were the logical choice given the gun mfr. However, I was unable to shoot more than two rounds without a cleaning. After trying the powerbelts, I won't shoot anything else. Because of the way they're made, they really load easy- much easier than anything else that I tried. Don't be fooled, you won't be able to shoot more than 3-4 without cleaning the gun- I have made it a habit to clean after every third shot. At the previous person stated, the secret to shooting a smoke pole is consistency in your setup and routine. Try lots before you settle on anything. Good Luck and shoot straight!

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I have four muzzel loaders. When I got my first one I tried several different bullets. It was powerbelts that shot best. When I got the other three I started with Power belts and they all shot great so I didn't bother trying any others.

I use Triple seven pellets and I can go at least 10 shots before my guns show any sighn of needing to be cleaned.

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