What state should I move to??


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Well, since I am eligible to retire in 2 weeks time, and the fact that NY State has numerous proposed anti gun bills out there by the democrats, lets pick a state that I should move to. Want to be north of hurricanes, east of tornadoes and earthquakes, and south of winter. Want nice rolling hills, good game to hunt, the ability to defend myself, my family and my home with a firearm if necessary. My wife has talked relentlessly about moving to another state with a better economy, and more opportunities for our children. I am serious about this and want to know what states are pathetic (like this liberal democratic welfare state), and which ones are in the running?

Thanks all

17 days to go

and yes, I am sober.

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Getting tired of living in "The Peoples Republic of New York" there Ken...LOL

I'm probably not going to be much help since the reason I'm in North Carolina is because the Wife(she's a traveling nurse) wanted to get away from the snow....and we're seriously considering moving back to west/central Florida.

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Well swamp, I don't know alot about the economy or gun laws there but Ky is a beautiful state and has some pretty decent weather. I think the econom pretty much sucks everywhere right now. I live in western N.C. and Love it. WE have all kinds of small game, deer, bear, boar, turkey, and some great fishing, trout and lake fishing. We have some snow usually not alot but this year we have. The piedmont and coastal areas of the state are pretty nice too with good game. We don't have any huge whitetails but some nice bears!

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Well swamp, I don't know alot about the economy or gun laws there but Ky is a beautiful state and has some pretty decent weather. I think the econom pretty much sucks everywhere right now. I live in western N.C. and Love it.

Told ya Ken...LOL

(I've vacationed there many times)

WE have all kinds of small game, deer, bear, boar, turkey, and some great fishing, trout and lake fishing. We have some snow usually not alot but this year we have. The piedmont and coastal areas of the state are pretty nice too with good game. We don't have any huge whitetails but some nice bears!

Though I have seen plenty of Deer around the outskirts of Greenville...I would not choose to move here permanently.

I hate any city large enough to have a Walmart though so I'm no help...LOL

The Coast may be better and from what little I have seen of it the areas closer to the shore look alot nicer with more farm country.;)

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Check out the western slope of Colorado. The winters are fairly mild in the Grand Valley and the south west. The people are pretty decent too. I never locked my doors. Hunting is great. You can own and carry a firearm but there is little need to use it. I lived there before coming to Arizona. I need to go back.


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I hate any city large enough to have a Walmart

I guess that really limits your choices, eh Gary?

Hard to tell where the economy is anywhere right now, Ken. As far as locations. I think your limiting yourself if you don't look at states like Arkansas, Kentucky, and Missouri if you like rolling hills and lots of game. Do a search and find the statistics for costs, jobs, the people and such. Good luck in your retirement.

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Well, I would say that most of what you described is Texas. I love Texas but I don't have the guts to move there. West Texas is pretty good with lots of game. You could even look into a park ranger job there or Border Patrol. I laugh every time I come out of Laredo because the guys with the accents are the one's asking me if I'm an American. Funny stuff. Texas isn't bad if you can put up with the Mexicans. It's a different way of life but a great state to buy cheap land, hunt lots of deer, be left alone and of course carry firearms at will. Lots of jobs and a Deep Red state. Good luck buddy and let us know what you think.

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Yeah, good luck with that list of stay away froms! :D You should consider Georgia. We do have some tornados but so does every State.

Our hunting season starts in mid-Sept for deer (archery), muzzleloader first week (October), and gun season starts mid October. You can use any weapon during any season...I hunt bow all year. The season ends Jan 1 northern zone and I think a week later in Southern zone. You can get 2 bucks (one QDM) and 10 does per year. There are also hogs (all year) and turkey in the Spring (can't hunt them because of tax season). Fishing is great with year round seasons in most trout streams and all year on lakes.

Winters are very mild...I remember many 60-70 degree Christmas days and average is about 50 degrees high. Maybe 1 snow a year that lasts to lunchtime before melting.

Politics are stable with a strong republican theme throughout and our legislature is moving towards changing the gun laws to be much more liberal. CCW licenses are easy to get and crime is the same as any place.

We have State income taxes that are low compared to what you are used to. No local income taxes.

If you have cash, you can get some prime hunting land on the cheap now because of the economy $2K per acre. You can probably buy a $500K house right now in the $300's from banks desperate for buyers.

If you are interested, I can tell you more.


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I would have to second newarcher on Georgia, especially the southeast area. Loads of Deer and some big ones too, hogs, plenty of trout fishing even in downtown Atlanta you can fish for trout in the 'hootch at lunchtime. Plenty of diverse cover for game, from rolling hills to tight thickets. I have been trying to talk my wife in to moving but she say why move when you are close enough to go any time you want.

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West Texas would be the place for you Ken. Very seldom is there a hurricane that hits, hardly any tornados, and mild winters. There's mule deer, whitetail, feral hogs, javelina, turkey and list goes on.

East Texas isn't that bad either, but we do have a few more tornados here and have had 2 huricanes in the past 5 years to reach the town I live in. They were only Cat 1's when they hit. There's a good population of whitetail and all the feral hogs you want to hunt. Tons of small game too.

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Your list rules out some of the best deer hunting states (Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Oklahoma, Ohio, & Texas)...that is except for Kentucky.

There's some great deer hunting there and the turkey hunting is pretty good too! Everything else on your list seems to fit what you want too.

Trust me...you wouldn't like west Texas. If not for the New Madrid fault being due for another quake, I'd suggest Missouri.

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All jokes aside I think you'd make a good fit in South Eastern Oklahoma. It has everything you wanted. Oklahoma is a tornado state, but VERY rarely does one come though SE Okla around MCH. Check out Lake Texoma where Hutch and I are from too. It's not bad at all and great oppurtunities for the kids. Small town America with a suburbia not fair away.

A good website to check is city-data.com

you can research all over the states there.

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