Well this ought to be good


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National Geographic apparently hasn't had enough anti-American sentiment regarding Gitmo and the terrorists housed there.

So they are going there and interviewing the poor terrorists there to get their feelings about gitmo and being held there. They will give these piece of crap terrorists a platform to gain sympathy and spew their hatred for this Country.

Why doesn't National Geo travel to Yemen and look up those terrorists that obama has released to rejoin al qaeda in yemen and why not visit the families of 9/11 victims and see how THEY are doing.

This makes me sick.


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I guess that these must be the same jackasses that protest on the behalf of serial killers on death row and what not. One of my fellow teachers who I've been friends with all of my life is one of those "humanitarian" hippies. He doesn't like forced prison labor or any of that stuff. He said we ought to close Gitmo, and I agree.... we ought to remove all of our soldiers and turn the dang place into a firing range. Then we should do the same thing to our domestic prisons.

I think that most of the people who get torn up about this must not have had much experience dealing with criminals and genuinely evil people. If they love the prisoners so much why don't we send them to stay with them in their cell for a couple of weeks. I'm sure Big Bubba the rapist or Osama yo Moma the terrorist would love to have some fresh, American meat.

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