Il state schools


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Since fall I've been hearing that IL higher ed schools are having serious cash flow problems due to the state failing to give them tax payer money. You all know the borrow from the DNR or education pot of money to pay other bills game right?

Well it's now looking like some state universities will most likely be cancelling some of the less productive programs/courses this fall. Some will likely be letting faculty go as well as many other school workers. Word is that the situation will get worse for 2 more years before it gets better.

Travel reimbursement is already being reduced and conference reimbursement has been cut. This is sad when our annual merit review expects continuing education via conferences that will cost us thousands of out of pocket dollars. Even a potential 3% raise would not cover the cost of these conferences.

Any other states having these problems?

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I can't speak for the higher ed. part, but Ohio is feeling the budget crunch. Our school is projected to have a shortfall in 2 years because of the state cutting our state funding.

We are up for contract bargaining this year, but I'm not expecting much to come out of this contract. It's time to tighten the belt.

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Here in TN its just turned into kind of a "Here we go again" attitude. They're constantly adopting all of these programs that are supposed to be so great for education but, they always pull the rug out from under us by not funding them. Teachers and students have grown to distrust anything that comes from the state or national government because all of the programs and new ideas are always short lived. Basically, everyone puts in a ton of work and then the state eliminates whatever you were working on to use the cash for something else.

It's gotten to where all they do is put more pressure and restrictions on the teachers. That's probably because it doesn't cost the state a dime to point the finger or to put our ***** in a vice. They make no effort to improve communities and there is no accountability on the students when it comes to meeting state standards.

I'm getting sick of professional politicians. In my honest opinion, there were never supposed to be professional politicians. I think that all decisions should be made by people on the firing lines. School decisions should be made by a cross section of teachers, parents, and students. Economic decisions should be made by rich, poor and middle class people. Gun laws should be made by a panel of hunters, gun owners, and victims of gun crimes. And I'm not talking about the way that decisions are made by lobbyists and interest groups (SOLD! To the highest bidder.).

Dang, after that little rant, I think I might need to leave school and go down to the corner for a beer.

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Here in TN its just turned into kind of a "Here we go again" attitude. They're constantly adopting all of these programs that are supposed to be so great for education but, they always pull the rug out from under us by not funding them. Teachers and students have grown to distrust anything that comes from the state or national government because all of the programs and new ideas are always short lived. Basically, everyone puts in a ton of work and then the state eliminates whatever you were working on to use the cash for something else.

Tennessee should have plenty of funds for educational programs, there has been tons of revenue generated with the lottery that was supposed to be specifically for education, however we can see that that money is not being used for what it was intended for and who really knows where exactly that money has gone and is going. This states mismanagement of funds has been a problem for a long time and is not getting any better. It is past time for these politicians to be held accountable for there appropriations or rather misappropriations of funds.

Our governor, Phil Bredesen, ran for re-election on promises of educational funding being granted for programs that have simply not come to pass. About all that has happened as promised is special programs for those who already are receiving freebies from the government, such as "free daycare" for those who don't work, ummm yeah that makes a whole lot of sense. Governor here said all 4 year olds will/would be accepted in elementary school preschool programs, what in his true liberal fashion he failed to tell folks was that there would be an exception for folks who work for a living. Seems a bit disadvantageous to kids whose parents work and also unfair to those kids, but guess it is somehow the responsibility of the taxpayers and residents of the state to give a leg-up/advantage to those kids in families who are underprivileged while their own kids are not accepted to those same programs, sure that makes perfect sense and is fair.:wacko:

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I have heard the same thing Frank....I know that Eastern is having some issues, but have heard the U of I has the biggest issues right now. i know at Eastern, there are classes with not enough desks, students standing and sitting wherever they can...But U of I has way bigger issues...professors are teaching for free in some departments....What bothers me is that they have a basket ball coach and a football coach that make sick money, but are those getting cut? no, of course not...this state, betweent he DNR cuts, and cuts in education, have serious issues and really needs to get its priorities straight....

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