question about 45's


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"APC = Armored Personnel Carrier

ACP = Automatic Colt Pistol

45 Auto Rim does have a really thick rim and if it works in a revolver chambered in 45 Colt then that revolver has some serious headspace problems.

45 ACP is often labeled as 45 Auto and must be fired in guns chambered for 45 Auto (45 ACP), do not attempt to fire them in a 45 Colt revolver."

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To add to Bens post. Which was right on.

Most calibers were named by the maker who created them.

.45 Auto Colt pistol

.38 Smith&Wesson special

.32 H&R magnum, the list can on.

Manufacturers label cartridges /chamber firearms generically as to not promote another makers name on their product.

.45acp =.45 auto

.44 Remington Magnum= .44 mag

.38 S&W special=.38 special

.32 H&R magnum= .32 magnum

Same thing with rifle calibers.

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