Visiting the vampires today...


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Ok, just kidding. Donating blood today though. Foudn out it's ok to give blood after the flu shots, though it's been about 2 weeks now anyway. Finish work at 2:30 then 2:45 I signed up for, it's on campus so don't have far. Than I get to go home:turned: I usually try to donate at least once a year..God gave me a healthy body and O negative blood, might as well help someone out, can't take it to heaven with me:angel1::p

Wore my nursing t-shirt from school,make those "vampires" know who they are dealing with!:boxing::angel1::2guns:

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If only a fraction of the people that gave blood after 9/11 continued to give routinely, we wouldn't have a shortage. It is a great thing to do and really makes ya feel good for doing it. I am O+ and am just shy of the 2 gallon mark. I can't give anymore because of my STUPID LYME disease :angry::angry::angry:. Kudos to those of you who give:clap:

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