Mountain Hunting Training

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I am getting ready to start my spring training for my September elk hunt in Wyoming. I want to get started early this year so it isn't so hard on me when I'm working out in the heat of the summer. I decided to buy a used, inexpensive pack frame off of ebay to make my training more realistic. I want to get accustomed to supporting weight on my hips and shoulders. My girlfriend thinks I'm crazy for buying a pack specifically for training. She made me feel like I was wasting my money and "no one else on earth goes to those extremes" like I do for hunting. She just doesn't get it. My thought process is that putting 40 or so pounds in my good freighter frame and walking around the neighborhood all summer will wear it out prematurely. I'd much rather wear it out carrying heads and meat instead of bricks and water jugs. But I want to do everything I can to be prepared to hunt as hard as I can while I'm out there. I have a hard time believing that I'm the only one that does everything possible to prepare for a hunting trip.

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She only says that stuff to you 'cuz she doesn't know us! Did the same thing, but used the same one for the hunt and training. Just picked it up off e-Bay. I loaded it down with law books and marched in the stairwells at my office. Stadium bleachers are great, too.

Keep on trucking, it will pay off in a much better hunt!


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I use a stair climber for cardio. Don't forget weight training. I do shoulder shugs for the pack's shoulder straps.

I guess you are doing a back pack hunt? Usually I set up camp & hunt out of it. Backpack only comes getting the meat out------the older I get-----the more horse power I use for packing.

My backpack hunts for sheep-----training just like you are. Worked great, but I still lost 12 pounds in a 4 day hunt. Got a nice ram---7/8 curl. CB

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I have a meat frame I put a bag of solar salt on and walk and jog around the neighborhood a month before the season. I walk up and down on and off the 6 inch curb every other step and people think I'm nuts. Right now I just run 3.5 to 4.5 miles and do a mile of sprints. I sprint from light pole to light pole then walk to the next. The sprints really help your wind at altitude. Lots of pushups (up to 200 a day) and inclined situps (you need your abs to be stable on uneven or slippery ground). Physical fitness is uncommon these days. Obesity is common. Of course people will mock you because they don't get it. I'm 57 and in better shape than most young folks. Keep up the good work. My wife supports me in my efforts and loves the results.:tt1:


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i just cant seem to get the elliptical thing down i just feel uncoordinated using it.

i however like the treadmill and the stationary bike. i just bought a Badlands Superday pack to use for my sept Montana elk /mule deer hunt and i plan on packing it with 40 lbs during the summer.

at work i have a 25 lb tool bag i carry on my shoulder all over the plant and up and down 2 flights of stairs. so i guess im training while im at work.;)

right now im doing circuit training and 3 to 4 miles on the treadmill 4 times a week. once it gets warmer outside im off to do a lot of hiking with the 40 lb pack.

i have gained a few pounds back since my workouts last year. im ashamed to say i have gained 25 lbs back. but i know what i have to do and im going to incorperate this into my lifestyle for good.


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The muscle thing is pretty easy to train for. The lack of oxygen is not. In the past, I've worn a dust mask while working out. can be dangerous. Make sure you get on with an exhale release so you don't asphixiate yourself and if you start to get light-headed take it off for a bit. But, it does restrict breathing enough to simulate the lack of oxygen at elevation. Just be careful.


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