What Are Your Seasons & Bag Limits?


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As I mentioned in another post, Maine goes generally from May 1st to June 5th, give or take a day. Our location/zone originally opened to turkey hunting in 1996 by chance lottery only, but now it's over-the-counter. We can only hunt til noon and no Sunday hunting. Bag limit was always 1 bearded tom but starting this spring, (2010), we will be allowed 2 bearded birds. I'm pumped!!

What are your season dates, how long can you hunt, (half or full days), and what's your bag limit in spring??

Two years ago me and my partner both took doubles in Vermont (over 2 days), and the cool thing was both hunts made it on outdoor tv. Of course, my buddy took 2 in one shot and I had to make 2 shots in rapid succession to kill my 2 birds...but we did it! Am hoping to do it in Maine now!!

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in the south zone of il first season opens up april5th and closes april9th the second season open the 10th and closes 15th the third season open the 16th closes on the 21st forth season opens up 22nd and closes the 28th fifth season open up the 29th and runs until may the 6th .... were aloowed one male turkey or one hen with a visible beard per permit with a max of 3 permits i have 2 1 for the third season and one landowner so technicaly i could hunt every season but im not going to just the third and forth possibly the fifth if i dont have my second bird by then were only allowed to hunt until 1:00pm which to me sucks i dont like it but thats the dnr for ya lol

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The season is April 10th-May 23rd throughout the state except for a few counties. As far as bag limits it just depends on how many tags you have...you can have five spring prairie turkey licenses (either one male wild turkey tag or two any wild turkey tag licenses), I think only one statewide archery turkey and one Black Hills tag. However, if you play your cards right you can easily take a Merriams, Rio and Eastern depending on where you apply. :cool:

Dakota :)

Edited by Dakota
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Here in PA, everyone has a tag for one Spring bearded bird, and must purchase a second Spring tag if you want it. Our season starts around the 1st of May this year and lasts 4 weeks. Major complaint here, always get a late start. I go right over the border in Ohio, and their season starts 2 weeks earlier.

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