Another QB related thread........


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Who's your top rated QB in this year's draft?

Buffalo REALLY needs a franchise QB. They're selecting 9th overall this year and so far, I've seen 3 out of 4 mock drafts showing them taking Klaussen or Bradford. I'm leaning towards them being gone by 9, but for some reason the experts are saying they won't.

Anyway, I'm of the opinion that Klaussen is the more NFL ready of the two, but I really don't like his attitude. Bradford is accurate as they come, and even though he played for the enemy(OU), I would actually prefer him.

Who's your top QB? And who do you see getting them?

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Right now I would take Claussen over Bradford. First Claussen played in a pro style system under Weiss, add to that that Weiss was coached Tom Brady, I think Claussen learned a lot from him and I think his game will transfer to NFL a lot better than Bradford who played almost exclusively out of the shotgun. Second, all of a sudden this year you see about question Bradfords durability which could hurt him.

Now as far as which team will get them, St. Louis is in need of a QB but at number one there is no way you pass up Suh. The next team that has a need for a QB is Washington at four. This is where I think one of the two will go. I would take Claussen here but my guess is they will go with Bradford because of his accuracy and he is more polished as a starter. Claussen I think is the better long term player but he is still a bit raw and could have used another year to solitfy himself as a number one QB. The next team that may take a QB is the Seahawks at six but with there other needs it probably wont be there first choice so then yes I see the Bills getting whoever isnt taken by the Redskins.

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I would say Claussen would be first QB taken. After that I dont know, I think Dan Lefevour is probably better than the others but because of where he played, he'll get picked later. I think Bradford is overrated a bit but someone will take him early first round.

I think the Redskins will be the first to draft a QB.

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I really don't see a real stud at QB in this draft. I actually like McCoy alot even though the draft experts don't. All I know is I would not touch Bradford with a top 10 pick. Too risky.

Yeah, I agree. I don't like any, but I guess if I had to pick one I'd probalby want McCoy.

There's something about Bradford's ball I don't like. It doesn't look to have much zip on it, and that was before the injuries. I'm not sure if his smooth delivery makes it look slower than it actually is or what?

He's really accurate, but I wouldn't use anything higher than a 3rd rounder on him.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tebow doesn't go until the 7th round. I could see some team taking a 3rd or 4th round flyer on him though.

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