Decoy setups...


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I'm trying to figure out a way to incorporate all four of my decoys in my setup (B-Mobile, Jake-Mobile, Flambeau Intruder Jake (passive) and Flambeau Feeding Hen). I was thinking something like having the two jakes and the hen within 15-20 yards of me and then having the gobbler further out strutting like he's coming in to drive the jakes away. Or I was also thinking about having the gobbler in closer to me with the hen and having the jakes just kind of hanging behind him with Jake-Mobile in a half-strut. Thoughts?

Dakota :)

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Ive never had that many decoys out before, but as a general rule the Tom will normally go to the Jake/Tom decoy instead of the hen. So you want to be able to get a clean shot without blowing up your other decoys lol.

I personally wouldnt use that many decoys. But your last idea of the Jake kinda straggling behind sounds like it could work. I would just make sure that all your decoys are within your confident shooting range.

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I had a few hen decoys out last year and a jake decoy at like fifteen yards or so. Not in any particular order I just kind of put them in a little circle. Three jakes were coming into the decoys and before they got there I shot one. Maybe you could put them pretty close to you and when the bird is coming in shoot it before it gets right on the decoys.

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