Unemployment Map


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Looks like supporting the top of the food chain (the banks) instead of the foundation (manufacturing and small business) hasn't worked out really well. My employer has rehired and is working us an extra day (I'm supposed to be semi-retired but it isn't working out). The small businesses that competed with us are nearly gone and he is "dancing on their graves". He runs a 1940's business model though. Has nothing financed and pays cash for materials. We resented him for being so cheap but have come to appreciate his foresight. The shops that used the banks are in pretty bad shape right now. I think that small business will evolve and come out even better. Question is when.


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My last day of "employment" was November 30, 2008. Before that it was June 30, 2004. Before that it was November 30,1978. This last stretch November 30, 2008 to the present is the longest I have been unemployed in my entire life since I started working at 15. The only jobs available at present in South Carolina are in the medical field, I talked with a counselor about going back to school for something along those lines and I was laughed at because of my age and lack of formal education. I entered the Marines straight out of high school. I need change, but the present administration is not going to bring it about and I don't know if anyone can in time to help me or the others like me. I still have 2 more years before I can start drawing what little bit of "retirement" I have from 26 years with a company that decided a Mexican could do my job better. Getting off of my soap box now. Sorry for the rant.

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