And the "plot" thickens...


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So my boss from custodial comes up to me after our staff prayer meeting and asks if I'd heard anything from the one hospital that when I first started, he tried to get me a job there through another guy from the college, yadda yadda. A couple people that graduated from the college work there, one is a VP for something. Anyway I said no, only thing I heard was about them giving preference to the laid-off staff at another hospital. Well he told me hang in there, things may be about to change. I was like uuuhhhh...? And he tells me there's been some talking going on and I may be over-riding some other people...He's like but you didn't hear it from me!:pop: Sometimes I guess it's not what you know but who you know and where you graduated from,lol;)

I have not heard back yet from the Urgent Care I sent in an app. and resume to...I may call them or wait and see if this bigger hospital opens up something....:eat::eat:

Figured I'd give ya'll a little update...before I win Tim's cookie contest,lol:1eye:

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Being from NY and having connections is NEVER a bad thing Ruth:D.

Good Luck with it all.

That sounds like an offer you/they cant refuse...LOL

One thing thats always going to be true though is that you may have to take a shift that you dont like just to get your foot in the door.

The reason the Nursing field is crying for nurses is...they need to fill the shifts nobody wants to work.

You want to have a solution to your a solution for theirs;)

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