High blood pressure meds


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Well....let me be perfectly honest right now....Im overweight, and have been for way too long,so therefore Im on a couple meds for high blood pressure, that well.....I hate at least one of them really bad. Its called Metoprolal, and if I miss my daily dose by a couple hours, I get a migraine that really takes its toll on me....the darn headache lasts almost 24 hours if Im not having a good day. Im trying to better myself, but need ideas on weight loss for a nightshifter (1030pm-630am), as my sleep and meal and exercise time is really screwed up, so any suggestions to drop pounds and get off this evil pill would be appreciated, and if you have a "pill" that helps control your hypertension while Im battling the bulge, any and all advise is helpful. al

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Understand that there are two types of hypertension.....heart based and kidney based.

You can take a LOT of beta blockers (that work through the heart) and if you high BP is due to the chemical produced in your kidney, not much will happen.

Your kidney produces a chemical that constricts the arteries and by taking an ACE or ACR inhibitor, you control the amount of that chemical which gets into your system and therefore your blood pressure.

I have kidney based BP and all I got out of the heart related BP meds was bad side effects. I started the ACR inhibitor (benicar) with no problems.


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Metoprolol aka Lopressor :-D Yeah BP meds are one thing, if you have high BP, you don't want to miss. The headache is possibly due also to your high BP. If you are late or miss a dose of the med., it's not in the system to lower the BP, therefore high BP can = headache. Headache probably by a combination of the BP, any job stress, lack of sleep, etc.. etc.. as well. Talk to your Dr., see if he has any suggestions as well.

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Weight loss is not a complicated issue. My first piece of advise would be to stay away from any of the fad diets. The rest is simple, just take in less calories than you burn. Decreasing calorie intake can be as simple as reducing portion size and as you eat, take more time to chew your food so that your stomach has time to realize it is full, as there is a delay between the time it is full and you feel sated. Increasing fiber intake, which adds bulk, in relation to calorie loaded foods is another viable option. One cookie less per day can relate to a five to ten pound weight loss per year. Increased exercise, both aerobic and weight bearing, is the other part of the equation and simple walking accomplishes both. You just need to elevate your heart rate, consult your physician first, for at least 20 minutes three to five times per week.

When it comes to medication, as a pharmacist I would lean towards an ACE(angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitor or ARB(angiotensin receptor blocker) and diuretic combination. Two medications would be Lotensin/Hct or Hyzaar in those two classes of medications. The beta blockers would not be one of my top choices due to side effects unless there is CHF(congestive heart failure) or an arrhythmia to deal with. In heart failure the beta blockers, by slowing the heart beat, increase the ejection fraction which helps cardiac output. Only your doctor can determine what is best for you as they are the ones who are aware of your medical history and diagnosis.

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Changing you diet with mild exercise is going to be good. Cut out the sugar-no "pop", no sugar in coffee, cut the fast food (left-overs taste better next day most times), more water. Water will also help fillyou up to redude snacking. I've had to help alot of persons make ht/wt over the past few years, and just watching what and how much you eat was always the biggest thing in conjunction with mild exercise. If I was closer Al, I'd run ya....lol. Take it a day at a time! Also, my father did the same thing, 1 year later he is off of his high blood pressure meds, no more diabetes, and can now bird hunt most of the day with his oldest son!

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OK Mr. Winstead......................JJL's going to help you out again.

I've been doing 100 mgs. of Metoprolol per day for the last 6 years. I hate it too, but it's the only thing that keeps my BP in check. 120/80 ALL OF THE TIME. You should try taking them before you go to bed, that way the initial surge is while you are asleep. NO.......NO..........NO..... caffeine.........NONE. That includes chocolate, sugar and starches (pasta/potatos/white flours).

While we're on the subject of weight loss........I left Illinois weighing 207.......now I'm at 172. The secret............burn more calories than you consume. And don't put anything WHITE in your mouth. Except for the Metroprolol........... NO milk....NO Pasta.....no white bread.......and No Beer Foam.

I know you're active........start eating a little better. And above all control your BP................You're like me. A postal worker waiting to happen. Don't explode.

Here's another Hot Chick .........................just because.


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u can eat whole wheat pasta and brown rice they also make pop that is caffine free as I can't eat any thing with caffine in it as I have a atrial flutter and on meds which are helping and I don't miss having chocolate at all and I have lost 50 lbs,there is lots of other stuff u can eat just cutting back and going for walks

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