What in the H is this country coming to?


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When the chairman of the joint chiefs thinks we need to end "Dont ask, dont tell"?!?!?!?!?!?

My God who wants to be forced into community showers with that kind of thing out in the open, along with every other sexual deviant that will likely be let out into the service, let alone what will happen in combat situations.

Thanks a lot to Mullen, Gates, and our dear Prez for such insight!!!!

I know this rant needs to be in the politics room, but I just wanted to see if everyone was as p'd about it as I was.

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Hey John...The whole gay thing(no pun intended:D) worked well for the Greek Trojan or was it Spartan armies. They went to war with their partner and fought for their partners life.

Ahhh...That stuff is ancient history.

If I were serving today, I would be extremely uncomfortable with a gay squad member. That liberal view might impede their ability to defend mine and my other squad members lives. This is all part of what THAT administration in the White house is all about. They want to keep their jobs...they do what the commander in chief( what a joke) tells them.

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Well, before this thread gets deleted, I just wanted to state it was in now way meant to be a bashing of gay folks, but our service men and women deserve to be heard in this thing, and deserve to not have to worry about thier own values being compromised to accomodate this. I also dont want us to fork our billions for new baracks at home and overseas to accomodate every new persuasion that rears its head either.


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Guess the radio station had it wrong this morning, they reported in the news that Robert Gates did not support repealing the policy, fox news contradicts what was reported on the radio http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/02/02/gates-backs-repeal-dont-ask-dont-tell/. Hopefully enough members of congress realize this move would be a mistake, John McCain seems to be ready to fight this.

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The last time I was confronted about being homophobic I asked the person if they thought that the lifestyle was okay and they said yes we needed to be tolerant. I then told them that if they thought it was alright then it was a short leap to get there. They had no further comments.

This new military policy will just be another open forum and the disease will spread.


Romans 1:24-29

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My Western Civ. I teacher in college pointed out to us that within 50 years of the government openly accepting homosexuality the Greek and Roman Empires began to collaps.

I'm just sayin'

He sounds intelligent. How much did you pay for that class?

It's generally accepted that the collaspe of the Romans was an ongoing decline, lasting a century at the least. Also open for debate is the reasoning behind the fall. Most scholars do share the opinion that, much like Hitler, the Roman's stretched themselves too far and too thin and trying to integrate that many different cultures into their empire created too many schisms within the system. I guess it's easier to just tell a room full of impressionable students it was the homos fault.

John, my best advice is to always question what you're told. You'll be amazed how forming your own opinion can be liberating.

Anywho, although I don't share some of the limited fears you guys do, I don't agree with the current system of don't ask, don't tell, and I don't agree with what's being proposed by the current administration.

This is just the same old Liberal BS, trying to force everyone to except everyone else. The typical touchy, feely BS that's just not realistic. That's not the way the world works. Nature seeks out the similar and usually hates the different.

They do have a problem though. It's not my place to judge someone's sexuality, and it's also possible a very depleted US military could benefit from enlisting gays, the ugly truth is you're going to have issues with it...regardless.

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It's generally accepted that the collaspe of the Romans was an ongoing decline, lasting a century at the least. Also open for debate is the reasoning behind the fall. Most scholars do share the opinion that, much like Hitler, the Roman's stretch themselves too far and too thin and trying to integrate that many different cultures into their empire created too many schisms within the system. I guess it's easier to just tell a room for of impressionable students it was the homos fault.

Sounds just like what the US has become.

The question is, "Are there already gays in the military?"

Yep, I'm sure there is. Doing away with Don't Ask, Don't Tell with just give them the right to express themselves openly, in which I disagree with.

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Homophope, bigot, both have elements of fear IMHO, but I guess that's another argument for another thread.

Let's be honest and rational here.

How many flamers are going to join up just for the shower sessions? Is that what we're worried about, lol.

Look, if you're secure in yourself, what are we so worried about?

BTW--for the sake of argument, I pretty much agree with muggs.

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He's sounds intelligent. How much did you pay for that class?

It's generally accepted that the collapse of the Romans was an ongoing decline, lasting a century at the least. Also open for debate is the reasoning behind the fall. Most scholars do share the opinion that, much like Hitler, the Roman's stretch themselves too far and too thin and trying to integrate that many different cultures into their empire created too many schisms within the system. I guess it's easier to just tell a room for of impressionable students it was the homos fault.

John, my best advice is to always question what you're told. You'll be amazed how forming your own opinion can be liberating.

Anywho, although I don't share some of the limited fears you guys do, I don't agree with the current system of don't ask, don't tell, and I don't agree with what's being proposed by the current administration.

This is just the same old Liberal BS, trying to force everyone to except everyone else. The typical touchy, feely BS that's just not realistic. That's not the way the world works. Nature seeks out the similar and usually hates the different.

They do have a problem though. It's not my place to judge someone's sexuality, and it's also possible a very depleted US military could benefit from enlisting gays, the ugly truth is you're going to have issues with it...regardless.

I don't think I said that was my opinion. She (the prof) said that there was no hard evidence putting the two together, but it seemed like a strange coincidence.

Like most conservatives, I don't have a fear for sin, I have an aversion from accepting it morally. Liberals don't understand that believing something is wrong isn't fear, it's an opinion based on facts, history and morals.

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I don't think I said that was my opinion. She (the prof) said that there was no hard evidence putting the two together, but it seemed like a strange coincidence.

Like most conservatives, I don't have a fear for sin, I have an aversion from accepting it morally. Liberals don't understand that believing something is wrong isn't fear, it's an opinion based on facts, history and morals.

I'm glad to hear you don't share that opinion, but I am left wondering why you posted it.

I think what Chris was referring to was the fact that the majority of people here would be worried about serving with a gay guy because they're afraid they'd be an object of desire for them. I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I also think he's saying that this sort of homophobic reaction is a product of fear, which I think is pretty hard to argue.

It doesn't agree with my morals or what I think is right either, and you're definitely entitled to believe what you want. I do think saying your're basing your stance on facts is stretching it a bit though.

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I think what Chris was referring to was the fact that the majority of people here would be worried about serving with a gay guy because they're afraid they'd be an object of desire for them. I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I also think he's saying that this sort of homophobic reaction is a product of fear, which I think is pretty hard to argue.

It doesn't agree with my morals or what I think is right either, and you're definitely entitled to believe what your want. I do think saying your're basing your stance on facts is stretching it a bit though.

I actually also agree with some of what you have said in previous postings on this topic Eric, however on what you are saying Chris sees as being the issue here I think may just be a part of it for some folks and not so sure it is what I would think of as fear. I could also see the aspect I think someone else mentioned about the potential for what some may think would be compromised security. There could be potential for say emotion or other factors to come into play when or if it was allowed to be more openly expressed. Not so sure how that might or might not come into play with soldiers, but think it could possibly pose potential for all sorts of problems.

Far as the don't ask policy, everyone knows there are already homosexuals in our military, I don't particularly agree with this admin's position on making it ok for it to be open as I just don't think it is the right place. Persons private lives should be kept private, the military is no place for a liberal agenda to promote gay rights.

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