Want some culture shock guys?


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Try being/playing Mr. Mom.

My wife went back to work full time this week and since I am working 100% from home, I get to do the things which are typically done by my wife. Getting the kids ready for school, making breakfast, driving them to/from school, starting homework, snacks, etc. Today I was treated to teacher's conferences.

I must say that I am somewhat disadvantaged in that I also have to worry about trying to work my full-time job (and my business as well). However, this is tough work.

I am not being sexist when I say this but God gave women a special gift that allows them to keep track of the things that go along with children. I can remember complex tax code and information technology concepts but I can't keep up with everything kid related--homework, appointments, projects, field trips, due dates, etc. My wife--she can do it with seemingly little effort.

So kudos to the chicks out there, it's hard work!


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It is a demanding job. When we had the twins, there was no his or her jobs. I changed as many diapers, washed as many clothes, and cooked as much dinner as she did. Too much work to be done to pick and choose, and every now and then you get to sneak in a nap when grandparents would give you a break.

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I have had between 1 and 3 kids at home minimum of 2 days per week (except for trials and such) ever since they were born. I am the morning guy as mama is gone before they get up, and I pick them up in the afternoons, too. I am the slave driver for homework and piano practice. While I am not good at multi-tasking (I leave sorting out homework and setting up the calendar, and a billion other things for mommy) a dad can git r done when we need to. I will readily admit, it isn't always easy being patient as I should be, so I agree it ain't easy.


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Been Mr. Mom myself from time to time when I was much younger. Probably kill me now. The real bad thing about it was they were not in school and I took them with me and did cool things like 4 wheeling and canoeing. Bad thing is that they were old enough to talk and couldn't wait to tell mom and freak her out. Their mom was a cultured person married to a redneck. God bless you.


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I am so thankful that my son is old enough to where I don't have to hold his hand for everything. He calls me in the mornings to let me know he is up, then he catches the bus to school and calls me when he gets home. Usually takes care of his homework without having to tell him. Keeps straight A's in all of his school work and because of that, he is pretty much spoiled rotten, and as long as he keeps up his end of the deal, I don't mind it.:gunsmilie:

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Yup I agree...Moms do have it hard.

Our boys are big now. 18,16 and 13. So outside of keeping the house clean, laundry and cooking. All were/are honor roll kids, so we don't need to stay on them for homework. My wife kind of pulls double duty too by working in the high school cafeteria feeding our younger sons when they come in for lunch. . They eat good ;).

None of us here would be able to do the things we love like hunting and fishing without the great women behind us :).

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Hey hold on there Bobbalooie! Are you a tellin' me that all that was originally NOT in a guys work description to do all the stuff you just mentioned yo are doin' now?

Well that does it! The bride told me years ago all that was my job, so I did it all for years.......Anybody know how to get compensation retroactively for an overworked parent!

Just kiddin'...about the complainin' that is! Actually I did a lot of that for a good many years and kept a full time job to boot. I enjoyed any time I got to spend and share with my kids so it wasn't a problem.

But my kids are all growd up, I'm retired and the bride is still workin' so's 'ol TBow is gots time to relax and smell the roses.....well maybe the autumn leaves from my treestand! ;)


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LMAO--sorry Michael.

Been there.

And you are right, females have that "mom" gene that I'm quite sure makes them much more able to deal with the children. :D

You got that right...sometimes you say that and women get mad. It's a compliment. Kneeling and waving hands! :D

It is mentally consuming to do it right.


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