my plans


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from my "back" post of a few days ago, it appears most still don't know what i'm up to. or think i'm up to. so, here's the gist:

our place in wyoming is just too big. besides, we love to travel. so, we recently purchased a 38' camper. we plan to leave wyoming in a month or so and head to arizona. then, as we see fit, we'll work our way up north, getting to alaska by mid may to early june. i have most of the building materials for a cabin on some ocean front property we have. for those wanting to see it, go to ebay, and look for alaska real estate for sale. my place is called whale point estates.

we plan to rent our place in wyoming as prices are too poor to sell it now. however, we do have our house for sale, i just don't expect it to sell. i'm selling off 5 acres of years accumulations of "stuff" and we're just lightening up. we have a pretty big house and are moving into something 10% it's size. the cabin in alaska is 1600 sq. ft. so we'll keep some furniture but sell most of our stuff.

now, most know that my wife has some medical problems. so, we're using whatever days we have left to spend all our kids inheritance...:pop:. if we don't like trailer trash life i'll just build a smaller home. i've done that a few hundred times so once or twice more can't hurt.

we'll stay in established camp grounds mainly, and have access to the internet and phone. the big screen tv too, of course. ;) anyway, we want our time together to be just that. our time together. i'm sure we'll miss our grandkids so lots of trips back to wyoming to see them. and then, there's a couple of hunting committments to be here for. so, we'll leave alaska about mid august and be all set for whatever comes.

i can't do pictures yet, but imagine 4 large dungeness crab in a pot, steaming. that was dinner 2 hours ago. mmm. i only have 15 or so crab left. time to go north.... naa. i'll wait a few months. anyway, we'll see what our new life brings. lots of cabelas, bass pro, dicks, and more stores to visit and hand out cards. it should be fun. steve

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Steve how far are you going to be from Anchorage in June? And the trailer trash life isn't so bad....I've lived it 16 months outta the last 24.

i'm close to ketchikan, about 1,000 miles from alaska. remember, kyle, that if they cut alaska in half, texas would be the third largest state. alaska time goes by days, not hours. you'll love it there.

thanks one and all for the well wishes. this should be quite an adventure. we're both looking forward to it. it's amazing how much "stuff" one gathers.

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Is this it Steve?

It looks beautiful. Lots and lots of fresh fish coming your way.

Coffman Cove--Whale Point Estates

Level waterfront lot right in town, on all utilities. Million dollar view of Clarence Strait and coastal mountains.

Lot 12D-1: 23,427 square feet, $175,000 (Listing # 9024)



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Is this it Steve?

It looks beautiful. Lots and lots of fresh fish coming your way.

Coffman Cove--Whale Point Estates

Level waterfront lot right in town, on all utilities. Million dollar view of Clarence Strait and coastal mountains.

Lot 12D-1: 23,427 square feet, $175,000 (Listing # 9024)



that's it, steve. i have 3 lots and will put the cabin on the pad lot this summer. i'll keep my laptop tied up to the satelites and should be on here frequently.

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