why did bill jordan and blanton switch to mathews


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Re: why did bill jordan and blanton switch to mathews

Micheal Waddel shoots Hoyts on Roadtrips,they are a sponsor and real fine bows,and Blanton and Jordan have shot Fred Bear bows.Maybe it has to do with sponsorship,Matthews does make a quality bow,they also love to throw sponsorship to anyone and everyone.In case anyone hasn't noticed.LOL.

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Re: why did bill jordan and blanton switch to mathews


Also i remember will primos bein in the older movies, why did he leave realtree.

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I think Will Primos was only in RT videos for 1 season. Will, Ronnie "Cuz" Strickland and Toxy Haas (MossyOak) were big buds before Toxy started his own Mega Bucks video productions. Before that Toxy was a Primos sponser and he and Cuz were on all their Truth series videos. For whatever reason they had a falling out for a year or so when Toxy started his video productions and then they kissed and made up I guess. Now MossyOak is a sponser for Primos and vice versa. wink.gif

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Re: why did bill jordan and blanton switch to mathews

I think they've been shooting Legacy's the last couple years.

I think the switch had more to do than the sponsorship and money they get for the show. Realtree's "partner" type shows (ie Advantage Adventures w/ Tom Miranda, Realtree's Whitetail Country, Realtree/Whitewater Just Huntin') all use similar sponsors, including Mathews. Most shows sponsored by Mathews (ie NAW TV, HS Outdoors) are sponsored by Realtree also. One big happy hunting family. grin.gif

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Re: why did bill jordan and blanton switch to mathews

Did you all ever think that maybe they are sending everyone a message? If your good enough and practice, you can kill a deer with all kinds of equipment. These guys and other "pro's" can kill a deer with any bow no matter who makes it...and you know what....so could you! wink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: why did bill jordan and blanton switch to math

Also a good marketing tool for all the bow companies. As you can tell from reading here a lot, the biggest names in bow hunting have a following....and a lot of times the viewer will go out and buy whatever bow their favorite is shooting. So, Matthews gets the nod to get everyone to give up their Hoyt for a year or two, then bam. Hoyt's are not, so they run out to match Waddells new Hoyt. Then after a year, maybe its PSE... Just another tactic to make a new bow purchase that much more tempting.

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Re: why did bill jordan and blanton switch to mathews


Did you all ever think that maybe they are sending everyone a message? If your good enough and practice, you can kill a deer with all kinds of equipment. These guys and other "pro's" can kill a deer with any bow no matter who makes it...and you know what....so could you! wink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: why did bill jordan and blanton switch to mathews


In the last monster bucks video is saw, Dave was shooting the legacy and Bill was shooting the LX. I hope that this year waddell switches to mathews. Then all my boys would be shooting the best of the best.

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I'm not real worried who shoots what on TV. smirk.gif Afterall, they aren't shooting Switchback's yet, I don't think. wink.gif

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