Sad Day for MS Bowhunters


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Well apparently the bill passed the Senate wildlife committee and will come to a vote in the Senate soon. Got this email from the MS DWF&P today. They are obviously trying to solicite favorable support for any MS licensed hunters since bowhunters have already been contacting their Senators.

It appears I jumped to the wrong conclusion when I received the other email. Got this email forwarded to me from a friend of mine this morning that's not a bowhunter but doesn't favor the proposed bill. The hunters in favor of this bill are getting desperate. Too bad the guy who originated this email hasn't spent the time to read our state biologist's recommendations in their 2009 Deer Program Report.

I sure hope he's right and this bill dies tomorrow!!

As you are probably aware, House Bill 1282, which would start Primitive Weapons season on November 1, and which would have rifle season for deer run from the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving through the last day of January, passed the house a couple of weeks ago by a vote of 86-30. It was then transferred to the Senate and assigned to the Senate Wildlife Committee, where it has sat since then. This bill now faces a serious hurdle. Unless the Senate Wildlife Committee gets it out of Committee by next Tuesday, it will die - probably forever, since the House would not introduce a similar bill next year if they know the Senate is likely to ignore it.

The "word" is that, due to the intense pressure being brought by the MS Bowhunters Association, this bill will die in Committee and never be brought to the Senate Floor for a vote. The deadline for Committee action is next Tuesday. Keep in mind that the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks asked for this bill - yet the Senate Wildlife Committee will not even let it get to the Senate floor for a vote. Do they know more about this than our biologists? - No Way! If you want this bill to see the light of day, you need to contact those Senators - NOW! Call and/or send an email to your State Senator now, as well as all of those on the Senate Wildlife Committee. Let them know that they were elected to represent all of the people, not just the MS Bowhunter's Association. Let them know that you support House Bill 1282 and that you, and thousands of other Mississippi voters support this bill. Let them know that they were elected to represent ALL of the people, not just the bow hunters, and that there will be political ramifications if they let this bill die in Committee.

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