Post Memories of........


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This could be a dangerous thread...there was a reason they closed the others...though I don't quite agree...

I'll never forget staying up til the wee hours of the morning talking with Randy O. and his dad (mostly listening to his dad :D) out in Wyoming in September. Both Randy's are class acts and will go out of their way to do anything for complete strangers. Look forward to meeting both of you guys again sometime! :cool:

Dakota :)

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How about everybody post a good memory or experience with Randy O. that you have had in the past. Realtree banning the threads about his departure just proves more and more who is losing out the biggest on this move. This should show the admins how important Randy was to their prostaff and how he was not just a staffer that collected the name and did nothing with it!!

wo wo wo....hold on here...What on earth did i miss? Did Randy decide to resign? Golly man, i don't show up on here for 1/2 a day and the next thing you know, Randy the man is no longer a pro staffer? I hope this is not the case, and i may be wrong for inquiring, but what happened? Can anyone just shine a little bit of light on this for me or send me a pm if this is the wrong place to do this?

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Scott Hughes already gave you his email address if you wanted to discuss this issue further. I suggest instead of whining on here about this issue any longer, why don't you contact him instead. It was made quite clear that this topic needed to stopped being discussed on here, so let this be the last time we have to close a thread.


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Scott Hughes already gave you his email address if you wanted to discuss this issue further. I suggest instead of whining on here about this issue any longer, why don't you contact him instead. It was made quite clear that this topic needed to stopped being discussed on here, so let this be the last time we have to close a thread.


And Kyle's got a point.

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Hey kyle if you dont have a memory or expierience to post then why did u respond to this? It was not a derogetory post at all it was just post on a public forum for everyone to post their memory.. Sounds to me you have sour grapes about something. Their is no whinning here and if you dont like it than dont read it.

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Hey kyle if you dont have a memory or expierience to post then why did u respond to this? It was not a derogetory post at all it was just post on a public forum for everyone to post their memory.. Sounds to me you have sour grapes about something. Their is no whinning here and if you dont like it than dont read it.

Realtree banning the threads about his departure just proves more and more who is losing out the biggest on this move. This should show the admins how important Randy was to their prostaff and how he was not just a staffer that collected the name and did nothing with it!!

You tell me that that bottom quote is not digging trying to stir the pot again. A non-admin member ( Dakota ) even noticed this thread was a bad idea after Scott asked there to be no more discussion on the topic. Sour grapes? Me? I'm not the one posting again and again about the issue after being told to stop.

If you wanna post memories fine, but your original post entails a slam aimed at Realtree.

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I remember standing in Steve Beilgards Garage, talking with Randy, and his Dad, until around 2:00 am in the morning. Just listening to all of their hunting stories together. Just having him as a friend, and having him call me his friend is an honor in itself.

I know one thing. Randy is a hard working farmer when he's home and he is a hard working Pro-staffer for whomever he represents when away from home.

While writing this, I got a call from Gary Smith, who passed the phone over to Randy Oitker, and we talked for about 20 minutes or so, even though Randy was very busy at the trade show. That's just the kind of guy he is. ;)

You made my day Randy and Gary..thanks guys.

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My thoughts exactly Ruth. My greatest memory of Randy so far is arriving home from Ohio this fall to see a package waiting for my family. Inside he had all sorts of goodies for Cash, and even some for Jenn and I. He has his picture with his signed autograph framed and hanging in Cash's nursery.

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Which reminds Kat...I think it was 2 Christmases ago, through my nursing class we were getting gifts for a poor family in the area. I drew a young boy in the family and Randy went out of his way and with so much generosity to send me a Nascar DVD set and a bunch of Realtree hats and shirts and such to give to this young boy. Our class president delivered all the gifts to the family, but it was reward enough to know I was helping someone and to have Randy!!! I can't thank him enough!

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I'll never forget talking with Randy and his dad at Steve's; those four hours flew by like nothing! :D Both of them are class acts and I can't thank Randy enough for the Mathews Dead-end string stop that he brought out with him to give me. Thank you again, Randy, and I look forward to meeting you again soon in the future. :cool:

Dakota :)

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Since I started this post I guess I should post a memory of mine as well.

I have been lucky enough to hunt with Randy and his dad for a while so I have quite a few good memories but I think I will post one of the first ones where I got to see Randy in action with his fans.

Randy invited my daughter and I to go to Columbia, Mo for a deer classic where Randy was performing and also speaking at a banquet/auction to help raise money for under privelleged kids. After one of his sessions Randy told the crowd that if anybody wanted to shoot one of his bows they could.. Randy had just received the new Mathews Apex 7 in red, white and blue and man was it sweet! Randy had never fired a single shot out of this bow and had a loop and sight on it and not much else. The bow was on his bow tree with all of his other bows that are apart of his show. Now comes the funny/ heart sinking part. This one gentlemen from the crowd took Randy up on shooting the bows, and would'nt u know that he would pick the new apex 7. I was standing right there and watched as the guy drew the bow, released and whack the bow drops out of his hand and the top limb hits the concrete floor and bounces back up. The look on Randys face was priceless and the guy just stood there in shock. The guy told randy he was sorry alot and said he had never shot a bow without a wrist sling!! Randy took it all in stride and was a true pro about the situation..(Me on the other hand almost freaked out at the guy lol) I believe that its actually the same bow that is in the pic with Ruth. Randy gave the guy a realtree hat and told him no problem.

After the show Randy spoke at the banquet and my daughter won a bb gun in a give away. It was funny cause Randy's sister Tiffany(she was only 11 at the time) would not go up in the group of kids for the give away cause the bb gun was in mossy oak camo!! lol even his sister new what realtree was about at the age of 11!

This is just one the times I seen Randy out do himself with fans and the public.


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There are way too many memories of Randy O for me to list them all but I think the first one may be the most telling.

Many years ago I came to the Realtree forum because I was an avid bowhunter looking to share similar likes with other people. I began reading and sharing my own thoughts and quickly became part of the Realtree family. One day I was posting about my two young sons and how they too picked up the love for archery that I possessed. It wasn't very long after that post that I was contacted by one Randy Oitker. I believe he was a mere 17 year old at the time but even at that young age he possessed a maturity and understanding that few adults ever master. It was soon afterward that I ended up getting a package in the mail addressed to my sons with a ton of gear and magazines for them to enjoy. I couldn't believe what that man did for my boys. It was a definite surprise and honor that my boys took to heart. They couldn't believe they had been acknowledged by a professional archer/hunter and that he took the time out of his busy schedule to not only send them some gifts but that he would call them personally and have a good ol down to earth conversation with them. They were in awe of that little piece of generosity that sprung from Randy's heart and to this day they count Randy as one of their friends. As a father, nothing could have made me happier to see them boys smiling when they got to speak with such a fine young man.

Since then he has become an inspiration to them (and me as well). Not so much for his archery accomplishments, although they too are very special, but because he is what every man should inspire to be. He is generous beyond a fault. He promotes archery and good honest living to every young person he meets. He lives by integrity, honor, and humility and those three things are what makes Randy so special. He works as hard as any man and still takes time to share his life with many people. He constantly reminds us of what being a man is truly about. I am honored and a better person for having met Randy and consider him not only a great friend but family. I can only pray that my boys become a fraction of this man.

Randy, I thank you for being the person you are and wish you nothing but success in everything you do.

Edited by Michihunter
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I've got to upload the pic I took Yesterday of my Nephew and Great Nephew with Randy and his World Record Certificate in Harrisburg, PA.

That would rank right up there but it's the many times, no just one in particular, that Randy would take the time out of his day and just talk through PM's and on the phone...I dont see that changing about him in the future either!

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First of all I want to thank everyone for their support. It means a lot to me.This weekend I got to meet my forum brother GW! What a great GUY! I feel like he could almost be my dad.We hung out quite a while and he even called Buckee for us to talk on his phone! Mike, ruttinbuc came by, he drove all the way up from NJ. I am sad that GW and Mike did not get to meet at the show. Andy,Pendog, you should have interrupted me sometimes I get to talking too long!

I am glad that you got to see my show though.

In the past, I have changed sponsors and it is truly never been because of money.I have some product only sponsors . What i am talking about, is like have you ever left a waitress a penny? There are a lot of great people on this forum and not once have I ever talked to anyone because I had to.I still think that Bill Jordan is a class act and as far as Scott Hughes , let's put it this way. I trusted him in WY. to drive my Corvette and I have never let anyone drive it except me. So that ought to tell you something. For the good news,

I met a guy in Chicago his name is Clifford Smith owner of Triple C Outfitters in Alaska, while watching me shoot he invited me for 2011 to hunt moose,brown bear, black bear, caribou and wolf. This is the hunt that I have wanted my whole life! These are world class animals that he guides for.

This weekend in Harrisburg,PA. I had a man come up to me

his name was Phillip Mostert from Hunting Legends and he started showing me pictures of some of the people that had hunted with him such as George W. Bush and his dad,the Prince of Saudi Arabia,Jim Shockey, Bruce Willis,Ted Nugent and list goes on.

I had never met this man before but he stopped me and said that he had Google searched me.He asked me to take a picture for his website . I told him

I was far from being a HUNTING LEGEND!! He said he knew that I was going to be.Over the last 3 years, I have been given 3 African hunts and not that I am not appreciative but I didn't want to do like everyone else and just shoot penned animals. Even though some were on 25,000 acres. While talking with Phillip,he told me that they had one place that was 85,000 acres that was high fence but they hunted one place that was a million and a half acres with no fence and then went on and on about the other places he has with no fences.When he offered me a no fence hunt I accepted!I will be hunting the big 5, which is the African full mane lion the rhino,the elephant,the leopard, and the black death cape buffalo.One of the cameraman that will be filming me, I can't remember his name but I admire him as much as any hunter that I know.He is the one who filmed a charging lion and kept a steady hand that was on the internet a few years back. For anyone that hasn't seen it, they shot the lion with a high powered rifle , the lion charged , the hunter and the guides shot the lion numerous times while he was charging

and a couple of the guides dropped the guns and ran, the lion actually jumped through the hunter and the cameraman, knocking the hunter off of his feet whirled and run away and they finally shot him in the back of the head and finished him.This cameraman got it all on video. The link that I am on is, I am right under Jim Shockey!!

I will be on here until I am banned!!


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Have never met Randy in person, but have enjoyed sharing the forums with him, watching his videos and sharing stories. The one thing I know about about life is that the only thing that stays the same is everything changes. He'll be fine I'm sure. Although Waddell is still affiliated with RT, look how his career took off when he went out on his own.;)

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The list of accomplishment s will continue to grow for you Randy because you are the type of person everyone gravitates to. You are a model of integrity and humility with special God given gifts that only enhance your positive characteristics. Bowhunting and archery may have put you on the road to celebrity but it won't be what you are wearing that will keep you there. It will be the person you are inside. Congrats on the fine opportunities.

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Randy, it was good to see you and your dad again. I have always enjoyed your company swapping stories and telling the jokes. I'll meet GW another time. I am happy you got to meet him and know how busy you were at the show.

That video at the Hunting Legends booth I watched with you that showed a bow hunter get within 23 yards of a full mane lion ready to pounce was something else, huh? The hunter killed the lion with the first shot, but it didn't know it was dead. The animal turned and pulled out the arrow with its teeth. A second shot on the opposite side had the lion bite the arrow in half. To make sure, the hunter put an arrow right in the boiler on a broadside shot to put it down for good. Talk about intense! It was when the outfitter said that the lion could have been on them from that distance in a 1/2 second the hair stood up on my neck!!! :jaw: I know you are psyched to do it and can't wait to see the video!!!

I am going to put a little clip of the show here in this thread for all to share. Might be a bit. ;)

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congradulations, young man. (heavy on the man) we've had a few days together, and they will live in my (and kaedens) mind forever. you and your family are the quality folks that make this a great country. realtree is, and will remain, a great company with the best product on the market. you, and your fame, simply command more money than the board of directors of realtree choose to accept. it's a business decision. you are still you, and realtree is still realtree. i know you are headed for greener pastures, and all i wish you all the best.

that said, i don't ever want you back hunting with me. you first shot a monster antelope and then we topped it with an even bigger one. i just can't do it any more! lol. ( you come back any time!)

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