Last hunt of the year....


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Yeah somewhere in arkansas or mississippi

Pacific flyway is where its at now!

Do I need to continue to post more pics?

But if you have a spot that is loaded up and can pretty much say we will have a bang up hunt, then I am down. I just dont want to fly and waste vacation on a 1 duck hunt. :D

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Guest TennesseeTurkey
Pacific flyway is where its at now!

Do I need to continue to post more pics?

But if you have a spot that is loaded up and can pretty much say we will have a bang up hunt, then I am down. I just dont want to fly and waste vacation on a 1 duck hunt. :D

I hear you, but I was being selfish :D I can drive to arky or Miss easy, flying out yonder where youre at would cost me more money LOL :D

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Now thats a duck hunt!! Do you see many Ringnecks out by you or was that one you got just mixed in with some Bluebills ?

We have plenty of Ringnecks, they just avoided flying into the shot all weekend!

All these divers are crazy flyers. It makes me miss hunting puddlers, where i can actually take only one box of shells and get my limit of 7 and bring home shells. Not the case with the divers. Oh well, I can not wait for next year! Now that I have everything lined up for me, financially wise, birds will be mounted!!!

Redhead, woodie, mallard, and pintail shall be in the process of being mounted this time next year.

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We have plenty of Ringnecks, they just avoided flying into the shot all weekend!

All these divers are crazy flyers. It makes me miss hunting puddlers, where i can actually take only one box of shells and get my limit of 7 and bring home shells. Not the case with the divers. Oh well, I can not wait for next year! Now that I have everything lined up for me, financially wise, birds will be mounted!!!

Redhead, woodie, mallard, and pintail shall be in the process of being mounted this time next year.

I hear ya there....thats all I hunt for the most part is divers. We hunt out of a boat so when there is a chop on the water it makes it even more expensive haha!

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I always thought the sound of Woodies Haulin tail through the swamps was the coolest sound any duck made until I heard the sounds of the redheads and their "afterburners". Simply amazing. I got the same feeling as when I can hear a buck running in behind me grunting away and not being able to see him. My goal for next season is to get some video.

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I love being in the blind on those particular days when there are 'new' ducks coming onto the lake. I normally hunt on the north side of the lake, and its awesome to watch flocks of divers come down from what seems like outer space to flying a foot off the water.

I also like hearing the whistling of goldeneye wings, thats always a mad dash to figure where they are coming from lol

All this duck talk has me getting antsy for october again !!

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No kidding about the Goldeneyes. Its really hard to pick them out here, when they are flying against snow and ice mixed with the grasses of the shore. We use layout on the ice right beside the water so we are eye level and pretty much in their flight path. Fun times!!!

October 16th can not get here quick enough.

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