TC Encore/Pro hunter/Endeavor


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Does anyone know if the TC family of single shot barrels are interchangeable with each other? TC's website makes no mention of this.

That is the Encore/Encore Prohunter and Endeavor.

I was looking hard at one today at a gun show and considered one. The dealer said he thought so...Thought so? He has to be kidding me... The basic Encore barrels seem to be a bit less expensive than the Pro hunter barrels. All are TC quality, but wondering if I could interchange them and maybe save a few bucks when buying new barrels in different calibers?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know that the Encore and the pro hunter barrels are interchangeable. The reason the prohunter barrels are more expensive is that they have several extra features to them. I am not familiar with endeavor barrels.

You might also want to check out Bergera barrels. They make barrels that will fit you Encore and are a little less expensive than the TC barrels.

Then if yoou are interested in the other direction check out Bulberry Barrels. They make barrels for encores in calibers you have never even heard of. They are expensive though. You will pay almost as much for one of their barrels than you did for the gun.


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Thanks guys. I was really into buying an Encore/Pro hunter/Endeavor, but what discouraged me was the amount of scopes, bases and rings I would have to buy for each caliber. I am not ready for that kind if jump.

Again, Thanks for the info.

I love my Pro hunter and as stated, the encore, pro hunter, and endeavor barrels are interchangeable.

You're going to need scope, rings, bases for anything you buy...

I just like the option of buying a barrel at times, if I can find a good deal. Other times, I like a whole new gun :)

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