School me on Washer and Dryers...


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So, I am in need of the pair.

I am 99% sure I want a top loading washer.

What brands do I want to look at and which ones to avoid?

I want to go on and purchase new instead of used and have something that is going to be trouble free for a couple of years. I know appliances dont seem to hold up these days as they used to, so I am not looking for miracles here.

I just need some help in heading in the correct direction.

I would like to keep the purchase of the pair under 1k for a good set, and trouble free for 3 years or so.

Ideas and thoughts?

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I had so many different kinds over the years it's hard to reccomend any specific one!

I do have a couple questions though....How long do plan on staying where you are? When/if you move do you plan on taking them with you?

Seriously...I would look at something used if theres any chance of moving in a couple years. For the most part(no pun intended) you could save alot of money buying used if your going to leave them because you will never get your money back out of them trying to sell later;)

...and they are refferred to as a "Set"(no comment)......LOL

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Our Maytag washer and dryer finally gave it up last summer after almost 30 years!

We then bought a top loading Amana pair. They lasted 1 day. Good price but too loud. Traded them in for Maytags again, this time front loaders. Just the small ones. They save a lot on water, especially if you pay for it, and wring the clothes out so well it takes very little time in the dryer.

Both sets had to be shipped in from Seattle so look around for the warehouse and maybe you can save the cost of the middleman. Good luck.

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I have to agree with Doe-ee. I have a Maytag washer that is 25 years old, the dryer didn't last as long. I have went through 3 dryers,a Kenmore,whirlpool and I now have a cheep one from Lowes. My Maytag washer (top load) is still running good. They are all electric. It is hard to beat a Maytag for sure. Call around for the best deal on whatever brand you decide. Appliance salesmen will deal just like a car salesman. Make them an offer when you find what you want.

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I disagree......we bought the Maytag washer and dryer from Lowes at a very good price. We didn't buy the cheapest Maytag, it was the next grade up which included a lot of the commercial quality parts. Nothing but goodness out of them.

I laugh at the front loaders that promise 40% savings on my water and electricity bills....yeah right. Or the washer savings will pay for the dryer. That's total CRAP!

I installed two brand new high efficiency HVAC units in my house to replace the 15 year old junk I had. My bills went up. Never trust the savings quotations given my manufacturers.

As far as I am concerned, Maytag is great.

I saw an ad for the new Kenmore 5 way washer and thought, what a great way for something to break down! That thing has gotta have some stress on the motors.


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It's funny you ask this because my Mom has to replace her washer in the next day or so as hers is giving up. She has Whirlpool in both her washer and dryer....... the washer is around 5 years old and already shot..... and the dryer is just over a year old and had to have the timer replaced recently.

I forget what brand Justin and I have (funny, seeing as how I use them daily) but they are an off brand made by one of the big companies. My advice would be to search for product reviews online and see who ranks the highest. However, you probably won't find a lot of long term results/history.

Good luck! :)

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I hear the new maytags went to more of the old whirlpool parts, which only makes sense because whirlpool owns maytag. Whirlpool also owns kitchenaid, and I'm pretty sure makes most of the kenmore stuff. Don't be fooled by expensive stuff that's actually a whirlpool with cool trim, kinda like a lexus is a high-dollar camry. My whirlpool washer and dryer have been going for 15 years now, although I've replaced several components, altogether about $100 bucks over that time. I have a real good friend that sells and services appliances, and can tell you firsthand what to avoid if you need any more advice let me know. My mother spent a fortune on Kitchenaid appliances and has had issues with them all. I replaced the display/circuit board on her dishwasher and the element and was about $250 in parts alone. Some models are notorious for problems with the electronic displays. I would suggest at least getting a dryer with moisture detection instead of a timer. There are some new front load washers spin out at such high RPMs that the dry time is cut way down, but they weigh a few hundred pounds and cost a lot. Kind of depends on your water/elect rates out there as to how much you want to spend up front for these savings to get a payback. Dont overlook a gas dryer if you have gas at your new place. I have been well pleased with my gas dryer.

Hope that helped.

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...and they are refferred to as a "Set"(no comment)......LOL

youve been in need of a pair for a long time now :D


Someone try and sound that word out in typing, I am sure Will can't say it and has no idea what it means.


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Kenmore from Sears. They have withstood some use and abuse from my wife for the past 5 years. We got them for I believe 700ish for the pair-both are energy efficient(whatever that means) and are high capacity. With 2 boys and their messes, plus my hunting clothes and uniforms, they do a great job. We had had 1 miss fire from them, and it stemmed from not using bleach every now and again to clear out the fabric softener loader in the washer, we do that once a month and no issues since.

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Maytags built now adays are built by Whirlpool ... the older Maytag built in Newton Iowa are the best washer and dryer out there .. they dont however make them anymore ... I would look at a brand called Fisher Pykel most energy efficient brand out there and very very reliable ... quiet ... you can price them at Lowes ... Im pretty sure you will find a pair at around 1k maybe a touch more but its deffinately worth it ... We have had absoutely no problem with our pair and my wife loves em.

Whirlpool would be my very next choice .... but not an off brand of whirlpool it needs to say the name on the front ... there no substitute ... trust me I worked for an appliance place for 15 years ... and have worked on my fair share of appliances.


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A while back I used to work at Sears and I both sold and repaired washers and dryers. I basically taught myself how to repair them as I worked at an outler store where we sold "scratch and dent" items.

Kenmore is Whirlpool as mentioned. Decent quality and availability of parts is excellent. At least the top loader is. Kenmore appliances are made by many different manufacturers, but last I knew the washers and dryers were Whirlpool. Don't know about front loaders.

They are easy to work on, but like anything, it may last 10 years, or maybe 5. You never know.

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