Just shoot me....


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So here I sit for the 3rd night in a row unable to go to sleep due to a screaming baby. I'm not quite sure whats going on, but Cash has been waking up like 5 times during the night and going into these super fits. It's not normal crying...it's full fledged screaming, back arched, red faced, can't hardly breath crying. We've tried feeding him and he'll take a bottle for like 4 seconds and then screams. Changed the diaper...screams, soothed him....screams, rocked him...screams, rub him....scream. Ignore him.....screams, motrin, tylenol, and gas medicine.....screams, suck his nose for boogers.....screams, even old fashion burping.......screams! Finally after 15-20 minutes he'll chill out and drift back to sleep for an hour-hour and half and then we repeat the whole process. This makes night number three and we just had our first round about 20 minutes ago. I am starting to feel sleep deprived, and it's taking a huge toll on Jennifer since she's been student teaching.

What gets me is he is just fine during the day. He still smiles and laughs like normal. He's eating great, pees and poops like normal, naps like normal.

I dunno if he's teething, or having night-terrors, or what? His Pediatrician said not to worry, but how the heck am I not supposed to worry? Whats worse is Jenn and I are both losing patience and just wanna ring his lil neck lol. Of course we wouldn't dare, but we've both found ourselves really flustered over this.

Have any of you went through this? I'm sure it's just a stage, but it's unlike anything we've had happen thus far.:bummed::helpsmilie:

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Don't know Kyle, kinda sounds a little like our first two, but it was most of the night with them and we went for a loooooong time with sleep deprivation, it sure does wear on you over time. Our oldest was worse but they both had colic and gas meds did not work. The arching back sounds like he is in discomfort. Only way we got any sleep was to put them in a swing and wind it up. We tried everything, our oldest even slept in a carseat set down in the crib many nights. We were afraid after taking her for rides to get her to sleep to take her out of the carseat because she was sleeping in it so well.

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Arched back...I'm saying gas/constipation...Our Joseph did the same thing. My wife made a tea with fennel water(seeds from sausage) fed him that for the gas. Helped sometimes. As far as constipation goes, she also used suppositories to help with the constipation.

He was allergic to milk based formula( found out 3 months into his birth) switched to soy based formula and he projectile vomited that. So we had to go with a hypo-allergenic formula. He thrived on that.

Good Luck Dude...I know what your going through.

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I would imagine that this most likely is teething.....God's little practical joke.

You have the little beasts and finally get them to sleeping though the night. You and the little wifey are doing chest bumps and high five'ing each other due to your perceived prowess at parenting. Then DUHN DUHN DUHN, teething starts.

If I had to guess, he is doing this at night because during the day despite his aggravation with the pain or tenderness, 1) he is not alone and 2) he has other distractions and 3) pain tends to be worse at night for some reason. The fact he is arching his back tells me that this is pain related and NOT just a fit.

Tonight, try giving him some tylenol before bed and if he wakes up doing it again, rub some oragel on his gums both top and bottom. Try to get the oragel on as fast as possible because once they get sufficiently aggravated, they tend to wake up for a while.

Good luck. Take it in shifts and when the other isn't helping, go outside. Deep breaths. Then switch out.


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Cash is not even a year old yet, teething? Agree with the oragel for teething if that is the case, but don't remember our kids teething so much before a year old. The arching the back is a sign of discomfort/pain, our older 2 daughters did that a lot, about all that seemed to settle down the crying from colic with them was movement beit rocking, riding, swinging, or bouncing or whatever.

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Sounds like teething pain to me too. I took my daughter to the dentist at 7 1/2 months for the same reasons you have. Nothing worse than not knowing. It was the same with every tooth, always much worse at night.

Is he chewing on everything? A damp washcloth kept in the freezer seemed to help and baby oragel at night.

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I agree with Doe-ee about the frozen wash cloth if it is teething. But please do not give too much Tylenol or Motrin just because you aren't getting enough sleep. Too much of either can actually kill your baby. I know some people who gave their 11 year old too much Tylenol and it killed him. Please be careful about over medicating. I would get a second opinion but it is probably colic and the swing sounds like the best idea or taking him for a drive until he goes to sleep. When my kids were babies they slept between my husband and I for the first year. No screaming, just had to feed them and go back to sleep. I do not believe in self soothing. I held them wrapped in their blankets in my arms all night. Never had screaming babies but I have relatives who had colicky kids and they used a swing or driving.

Good luck and take nap in the day when he does.

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I had twins with the same thing. Mostly collicky, also went through a time with reflux where they'd spit up right after eating. It's tough to deal with for the whole family, but you just gotta keep going and get some sleep when you can give him to the grandparents for a few hours. There's several over the counter meds that you can put a dropper full into a bottle to give him for gas that work so-so.

good luck!

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Above all, if you feel yourself starting to loose patience, put him down and walk away from the crib. Like you said, he is going to scream no matter what you do, so you might as well let him do it in his crib for a few minutes while you go away. I would get to a quieter place in the house, and take a minute to ask God for a little more patience and peace. Then if he doesn't quit screaming in a few minutes, try again. He seems to be a little young to just let him go until he is too tired to keep it up or he learns to soothe himself, but that day is coming. Hopefully he will be past this by then.


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Did they check for ears infections? Not all babies pull at their ears or run a temp. If he was to the pediatrician, I suspect they did look in his ears. When in doubt, count to 10 or in this case 100 or so and then count your blessings. Never be afraid of your parental gut feeling. If Cash looks to be in pain or arches a lot when screaming, I would have him checked out. Peace of mind can be priceless with babies. Good Luck.

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Sounds like teething pain to me too. I took my daughter to the dentist at 7 1/2 months for the same reasons you have. Nothing worse than not knowing. It was the same with every tooth, always much worse at night.

Is he chewing on everything? A damp washcloth kept in the freezer seemed to help and baby oragel at night.

I agree with Doe-ee about the frozen wash cloth if it is teething. But please do not give too much Tylenol or Motrin just because you aren't getting enough sleep. Too much of either can actually kill your baby. I know some people who gave their 11 year old too much Tylenol and it killed him. Please be careful about over medicating. I would get a second opinion but it is probably colic and the swing sounds like the best idea or taking him for a drive until he goes to sleep. When my kids were babies they slept between my husband and I for the first year. No screaming, just had to feed them and go back to sleep. I do not believe in self soothing. I held them wrapped in their blankets in my arms all night. Never had screaming babies but I have relatives who had colicky kids and they used a swing or driving.

Good luck and take nap in the day when he does.

Some good advice right there, and Darla is right on the money when it comes to medicating your child.

It could be colic, but I'm guessing it's teething too. Once that tooth breaks through, you can relax ....until the next one...LOL

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Well believe it or not he made it through the night lastnight after I made that post without getting up again. He was in fine spirits this morning too. I know it's not colic, and honestly I have tried all the advice given when he throws the fits and NOTHING works. Also by arched back, I mean he is flinging himself on the ground. He does it everytime he cries basically. Like when we take a toy away, or an object we don't want him playing with. He has his daddys temper lol.

thanks for the advice and I too have my vote in on the teething thing.

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Breylen was doing the same thing for three nights in a row, but not arching his back type deal, which makes me think that Cash is in some type of pain. It sounds like it could be gas, but if gas drops aren't helping and neither is burping, I'm not sure. It could be teething maybe. Do you guys have any of those teething rings that are water filled that you stick in the freezer for them to chew on? See if giving him something cool and soft to chew on helps.

Is he sleeping on his back? I know he's old enough to switch sleeping positions on his own, but we've found that Breylen sleeps 100000000000 times better on his belly and that was the problem with him for those nights that he kept waking us up with his screaming. Once we placed him on his belly, he zonks out for hours and only wakes up twice a night for a feeding and changing, then goes right back to sleep.

I know exactly how you feel with the frustration. It has definitely been taking its toll on me and Andy, too. Sometimes you wish there was a "return" button stamped on the baby ;)

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I lived like a zombie with my first one. She never slept for more than 2 hours. Finally gave in and let her sleep with us which helped quite a bit but now she's 9 and still wants to sleep with us. My youngest slept a straight 6 hours the day we brought her home from the hospital.

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