Treestand Pack...What Else?


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When putting up treestands this past week, I had all the accessories in a paper bag. Yikes eh, especially in the rain. grin.gif

I've decided that it would be a good idea to put everything I need in a backpack or fannypack and take that with me.

I already have the "basic" equipment I need for the job. The stand attachment straps, ratchet straps for the ladder, pull-up rope for the stand, small level, GPS, folding saw, pruners and of course, a harness already rigged up in the line-man's hook-up style.

Is there any other items you guys take along that would be a good idea to put in a small pack to take along?

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Re: Treestand Pack...What Else?

I use the Tree Umbrella too. I works great. I actually bought enough of the holders that screw into the tree so that I can just leave them in place. I bought one extra incase I use a different tree for some reson. I have shot several deer with it in place. Using it with a bow means you have to put it higher so it doesn't cover you as well but, it works.

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Re: Treestand Pack...What Else?

Well I cheat a bit.

Since I own my property and use home-made heavy as he!!, steal welded, chain-on stands, I use the ATV winch to get them up there. shocked.gifgrin.gifcool.gif

I do everything else like you: stick ladder, straps, etc. But I strap a pulley above where I want my stand and winch it up there. smirk.gif

I also use very heavy chain and locks so if someone actually can get one of my stand off a tree, and packed off the property, then I say they deserve it!!! smirk.gif LOL


I do this well in advance so the ATV is not a factor for scaring off deer. Like August timeframe for October hunting.

So carrying everything is in a storage box on the front rack, and to be honest, most of it stays in that box year-round. Not to mention the heavy @$$ stand.... crazy.gif

I use my stick ladder to hang my tree pegs.

I strap it to the tree and just screw in the pegs on the oposite side of where the ladder steps are for good step spacing.

I use the cordless drill for starter holes, and then take the ladder off when I am done.

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