Got Clearance Clarance


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Saw my Orthopedist yesterday and I got clearance Clarance to return to work this coming Tuesday! Been out since Sept 4th( Friday before labor day weekend) with the torn, now repaired ACL in my left knee.

The surgery went well. I was walking the next day and therapy(2X a week) really seemed to help. So much that I bought a Elliptical machine(like the one at therapy) to use at home to expedite my recovery.

The only issue I see lifting heavy weights while going up a ladder. Knee still has some pain. I think the building should be closed in by now and the finish work taking place. It was a 45 story hi rise I was working on in NYC. The one thing I am not looking forward to is the commute to the city everyday. That is quite draining on the brain. My hamstring where the Dr took the graft to build me a new ACL is still sore. It is doing the same work with less hamstring. But I am told it will eventually go away as will the pain of the bone growing over the screws in my knee.


So, I wish to thank all here at Realtree for keeping me busy and having something to do while I was home for last 6 months. Thanking God also for my recovery with no complications. I got to go to Texas for a week, shoot a few Axis deer, take my middle son AJ on his first deer hunt, did some successful trapping and I will top it off by going ice fishing this weekend up by deer camp in NY's Catskills.

Will also do some yote and crow hunting while I am up at deer camp.

Again...thanks for helping me get through this injury.

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Glad to hear it all went well Anthony...Just take her easy and remember that you are not 100% need in messing up it or something else while trying to recover...

good luck hunting up at camp...Are you in that yote contest on the 19th-21st? I saw some info on that, and couldn't believe the pay outs for a freaking coyote...

Have fun!!! and thanks for the post. By the way, that is one nasty lookin pic.


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Thanks for the well wishes guys. Y'all helped me heal;).

good luck hunting up at camp...Are you in that yote contest on the 19th-21st? I saw some info on that, and couldn't believe the pay outs for a freaking coyote...


I personally am not in the contest, my son Joe is. There is a $30 reg fee. They are trying hard to get hunters to shoot yotes there, and this is how they do it. $100 for each yote brought in, $200 for the heaviest of the day and $2000 of the largest/heaviest over all that weekend. Not bad huh? With all the snow I am not too mobile with my knee not being 100% to run and gun. My old bones can't handle sitting out there at 2 am anymore with a spotlight. Let the young whipper snappers have the fun.

Here is the story on the contest. It is an old(2008) link, but the prizes are the same

Sounds great Anthony, what type of Elliptical did you get? I have been thinking about one.

Ross, my wife bought it at Sears it is the ProForm 390E. A little different from the professional one at therapy, but it does the same job. I think it was $400. With that and the treadmill this place is looking like a gym now :). Gives you a good work out.

Edited by Adjam5
Realized link for yote contest was old
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Great news buddy! Those are some heavy duty sutures they put in your knee...they look like staples?

I've seen just steri-strips used on incisions from scopes....Very interesting;)

This was a full ACL reconstruction using my hamstring as a graft. No chance of rejection as with cadaver parts. Here is the link of the procedure if you are interested Ruth. Click on the knee icon.

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